
gǎn xiè
  • thank;Thank you.;appreciate;be grateful;gratitude;acknowledge;glad
感谢 [gǎn xiè]
  • [thank] 对接受别人给予的或提供的方便、恩惠,用言行表示谢意

  • 感谢她叔叔送来的生日礼物

  • 我应该感谢母亲,她教给我与困难作斗争的经验。--《回忆我的母亲》

感谢[gǎn xiè]
  1. 我得写信感谢玛丽送给我这份礼物。

    I must write and thank Mary for the present .

  2. 仅以此短笺感谢您安排的美好的夜晚。

    Just a quick note to say thank you for a wonderful evening .

  3. 真得感谢萨拉,她给沏了一杯茶。

    Sarah , bless her , had made a cup of tea .

  4. 感谢赠我这份礼物,这正是我想要的。

    Thanks for the present ─ it 's just what I wanted .

  5. 我非常感谢所有老师的帮助。

    I am extremely grateful to all the teachers for their help .

  6. 这些花聊表谢意,感谢你的好心帮助。

    The flowers were a small acknowledgement of your kindness .

  7. 她向我们道别,并感谢我们的光临。

    She said goodbye and thanked us for coming .

  8. 她首先对我们大家的到来表示感谢。

    She began by thanking us all for coming .

  9. 感谢你对我这么坦诚。

    Thank you for being so honest with me .

  10. 非常感谢你寄给我这些照片。

    Thank you very much for sending the photos .

  11. 单独感谢任何一个人都易引起反感。

    It would be invidious to single out any one person to thank .

  12. 他在讲话中感谢大家各尽其力。

    In his speech , he thanked everyone for all their hard work .

  13. 讲话前先感谢大家光临,这是惯例。

    It is usual to start a speech by thanking everybody for coming .

  14. 我要对所有辛勤劳动的人表示感谢。

    I would like to express my gratitude to everyone for their hard work .

  15. 非常感谢你的这些花。

    Thank you very much for the flowers .

  16. 我们同样感谢每一位队员。

    Our thanks are due in equal measure to every member of the team .

  17. 感谢你们妙趣横生的讨论。

    Thank you for a most stimulating discussion .

  18. 感谢你的好意。

    It was kind of you to offer .

  19. 他们写信来感谢我们赠送的礼物。

    They wrote thanking us for the present .

  20. 最后,我想感谢父母对我的全力支持。

    Lastly , I would like to thank my parents for all their support .

  21. 感谢您如此宽宏大量。

    Thank you for being so forbearing .

  22. 如蒙捐助,定将报以衷心的感谢。

    All donations will be gratefully received .

  23. 我们对所有捐资表示感谢。

    All contributions will be gratefully received .

  24. 感谢你们的热情接待。

    Thank you for your warm welcome .

  25. 感谢你的盛情邀请。

    Thank you for your kind invitation .

  26. 最后,我感谢大家今天的光临。

    And finally , I would like to thank you all for coming here today .

  27. 感谢你的一切帮助。

    Thank you for all your help .

  28. 恐怕我们来不了,不过还是感谢邀请。

    I 'm afraid we can 't come , but thanks for the invitation anyway .

  29. 我谨借此机会感谢同事的支持。

    I 'd like to take this opportunity to thank my colleagues for their support .

  30. 非常感谢您的帮助。

    Your help was very much appreciated .