
gǎn ji
  • appreciate;thanks;be thankful;gratitude;feel grateful;glad;touched;feel indebted;be moved and inspired
感激 [gǎn jī]
  • (1) [feel grateful;be thankful]∶因为别人的好意或帮助而对他有好感

  • 感激不尽

  • 我把电话打通了,他感激地谢了我。--《小桔灯》

  • (2) [gratitude]∶对于施恩者怀有热烈友好的感情,促使人去报答恩情

  • 感激施舍

  • (3) [be moved and inspired]∶感动奋发

  • 先帝不以臣卑鄙,猥自枉屈,三顾臣于草庐之中,咨臣以当世之事,由是感激,遂许先帝以驱驰。--诸葛亮《出师表》

感激[gǎn ji]
  1. 我会永远感激那个小伙子。

    I will always feel grateful to that little guy

  2. 感激伤害你的人。

    Feel grateful to hurt your person .

  3. 我很感激我的全家人。

    I owe a debt of gratitude to all my family .

  4. 我想向我的老师表达我的感激之情。

    I would like to acknowledge my debt to my teachers .

  5. 他找不出适当的话语来充分表达对她的感激之情。

    He couldn 't find the words to thank her enough .

  6. 我感激地接过她递来的一杯咖啡。

    I gratefully took the cup of coffee she offered me .

  7. 我将为此永远感激你。

    I 'll be eternally grateful to you for this .

  8. 你如果能对此保密,我将不胜感激。

    I 'd be grateful if you would keep it a secret .

  9. 若能及时将图书归还图书馆,我们将不胜感激。

    We would appreciate the prompt return of books to the library .

  10. 假如你支付现金的话,我会不胜感激。

    I would appreciate it if you paid in cash .

  11. 你帮我的忙,我太感激了。

    It was really kind of you to help me .

  12. 你若能帮助我,我会非常感激。

    I 'd be glad if you could help me .

  13. 我们对你们始终不渝的支持不胜感激。

    We are grateful for your continued / continuing support .

  14. 我深深感激我的家人给我的所有帮助。

    I am deeply indebted to my family for all their help .

  15. 承蒙相助,本人不胜感激。

    I 'm much obliged to you for helping us .

  16. 我说不尽对你的感激。

    I can 't begin to thank you enough .

  17. 这礼物赠送给她以表达对她长期服务的感激之情。

    She was presented with the gift in gratitude for her long service .

  18. 见发票即付款,将不胜感激。

    Prompt payment of the invoice would be appreciated .

  19. 我感激她为我指点迷津。

    I was grateful for her wise counsel .

  20. 我将感激你在这方面的投入。

    I 'd appreciate your input on this .

  21. 对您的帮助我会非常感激。

    We should be grateful for your help .

  22. 你若能帮助我,我会非常感激。

    I 'd be glad of your help .

  23. 别误解我的意思——我对你所做的一切都很感激。

    Don 't misunderstand me ─ I am grateful for all you 've done .

  24. 凯特感激地对他笑了笑。

    Kate gave him a grateful smile .

  25. 如果有人帮忙我将非常感激。

    I 'd appreciate some help .

  26. 我万分感激。

    I 'm very very grateful .

  27. 他感激地点了点头。

    He nodded gratefully .

  28. 旧货义卖的组织者会感激地领受您捐赠的旧衣物。

    Your old clothes will be gratefully accepted by jumble sale organisers

  29. 我觉得充斥我们心中的将是一种强烈的感激之情。

    I think our main feeling would be of an immense gratitude

  30. 他对她这么好,令她很感激。

    She was grateful to him for being so good to her