
shěng zhì
  • provincial capital
省治 [shěng zhì]
  • [provincial capital] 旧指省会

省治[shěng zhì]
  1. 江苏省打假治劣机制的完善与优化

    Perfection and Improvement of Hitting Counterfeit and Inferior Goods in Jiangsu Province

  2. 创建防盲先进县推动浙江省防盲治盲工作

    Creating the model county to promote the prevention of blindness in Zhejiang Province

  3. 外国保险公司分公司只能在其所在省、治区或者直辖市的行政辖区内开展业务。

    The branch of a foreign insurance company can only conduct business within the territory of the province , autonomous region or municipality where the branch is located .

  4. 项目所在的省、治区、辖市建设行政主管部门办理招标等有关事宜。

    To handle the relevant matters for project bidding with the competent construction department in the province , autonomous region or municipality where the project is to be conducted .

  5. 为有效实施省防盲治盲规划的目标,制定进一步防盲工作计划,推动防盲治盲工作的开展,有必要对全省盲与视力损伤的患病情况进行重新评估。

    To efficiently implement the goal , lay out further guidelines and promote the development of prevention and therapy of blindness , it is necessary to reevaluate the prevalence of blindness and vision impairment .

  6. 省、治区、辖市、治州、区的市的人民政府设秘书长一人,副秘书长若干人。

    The people 's government of a province , autonomous region , municipality directly under the Central Government , autonomous prefecture , or city divided into districts shall have a secretary-general and deputy secretaries-general .

  7. 开办第一类医疗器械生产企业,应当向省、治区、辖市人民政府药品监督管理部门备案。

    For the manufacturing of class I medical devices , it requires that the enterprise file a record with the drug regulatory agency of provinces , autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government .

  8. 省、治区的人民政府制定的规章的效力高于本行政区域内的较大的市的人民政府制定的规章。

    Local rules enacted by the People 's Government of a province or autonomous region have higher legal authority than local rules enacted by the People 's Government of a major city located in its jurisdiction .

  9. 四川省复难治肺结核患者的现状及控制对策

    The Current Status and Control Strategy on Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis in Sichuan Province

  10. 山西省水土保持治沟骨干坝工程管理系统的开发

    Development Experience of the Key Dam Project Management System For Soil and Water Conservancy in Shanxi Province

  11. 第一章,主要论述建省前清廷治新政策的形成背景、运作模式及其基本形态。

    The first chapter mainly discussed the background of the reformation , the pattern how the policy was operated and the basic form of the governing policy around Xinjiang province was founded .

  12. 方法对作者在坦桑尼亚多多马省地区医院经治的32例艾滋病患者进行临床综合分析。

    Method 32 cases of patients with AIDS are analyzed .

  13. 河北省10城市初治涂阳肺结核病患者全程督导短程间歇化疗效果分析

    Effect analysis of DOTS among patients with new smear positive pulmonary tuberculosis in 10 cities in Hebei Province

  14. 经系统在天津市、河南省、山东省和河北省的治蝗工作中使用验证。

    The system was validated in locust-curing works of Tianjin city , Henan , Shandong and Hebei province .