
  • 网络Iron Oxide Pigment
  1. 超微细氧化铁颜料特征性技术指标研究

    Research of Characteristic Indexes for Ultra-fine Iron Oxide Pigment

  2. 透明氧化铁颜料的应用及发展现状

    The Application and Development of Transparent Iron Oxide Pigment

  3. 一种用云母氧化铁颜料配制而成的双组份聚酰胺固化环氧涂料

    It 's a two-component , polyamide cured epoxy paint , pigmented with micaceous iron oxide ( MIO ) .

  4. 利用绿矾开发超细氧化铁颜料的研究进展

    Progress on Preparation of Ultrafine Iron Oxide Pigments by Using Ferrous Sulfate

  5. 国内氧化铁颜料的发展趋势

    The developing trends of Chinese iron oxide pigments industry

  6. 国内合成氧化铁颜料生产技术概况及发展趋势

    Development of Production Technology on Synthetic Iron Oxide Pigments

  7. 氧化铁颜料在着色应用方面的特性介绍

    Property introduction of iron oxide pigment to tinting application

  8. 灰云母氧化铁颜料的开发生产

    Developmental Production of Grey Micaceous Oxide Iron Pigment

  9. 化学法制备纳米氧化铁颜料研究进展

    Progress in Chemically Prepared Nano-Scale Iron Oxide Pigment

  10. 透明氧化铁颜料制造工艺

    The Manufacturing Technology of Transparent Iron Oxide Pigments

  11. 涂料工业应用的氧化铁颜料

    Iron oxide pigment applied for paint industry

  12. 透明氧化铁颜料的研制

    Study on the transparent iron oxide pigments

  13. 透明氧化铁颜料的研制萃取法制备高纯氧化铁红的研究

    STUDY ON THE TRANSPARENT IRON OXIDE PIGMENT S Preparation of Iron Oxide Red for Extraction

  14. 煅烧温度对铁泥干法制备氧化铁颜料性能的影响

    Effect of Calcinate Temperature on Properties of Ferric Oxide Dye from Iron Mud Through Dry Process

  15. 结果表明煅烧温度是干法制备氧化铁颜料的一个重要因素。

    The results showed that calcinate temperature was an important factor in the preparation process of iron oxide .

  16. 研究了纳米氧化铁颜料的制备工艺,采用超声振荡和固相法相结合的方法合成纳米氧化铁。

    Through orthogonal experimental design , the preparation of iron oxide nanometer particles by ultrasonic-solid phase reaction was studied .

  17. 我国是世界上氧化铁颜料的生产大国,而且是仅次于德国的第二大氧化铁颜料出口国。

    China is a major producer and the second largest exporter of iron oxide pigments only next to Germany .

  18. 胶溶相转移法制备超微细透明氧化铁颜料的研究

    Study on the Preparation of Transparent Ultra - fine Iron ( III ) Oxide Pigment by the Colloid Chemical Method

  19. 对硫酸亚铁溶液用氢氧化钠和碳酸氢铵为沉定剂生成透明氧化铁颜料的条件进行了初步研究。

    Some growtk conditions of transparent iron oxide pigment in the solution of ferrous sulphate with NaOH and NH_4HCO_3 as precipitant were investigated .

  20. 我公司在本行业中以生产低成本、高质量的天然氧化铁颜料而著名。

    Our company is known throughout the industry as being the low cost supplier of our own high quality , natural iron oxide pigments .

  21. 这对于适应市场变化的需求、组织系列氧化铁颜料生产具有重要的意义。

    And these studies have some significance for adapting to the change of market and organizing production of a series of iron oxide pigments .

  22. 该文主要评述利用绿矾开发超细氧化铁颜料的净化方法、颜料制备及其工艺条件对粒子形态的影响。认为此法既有利于环境保护,又能变废为宝,值得介绍推广。

    The method for ferrous sulfate purification and the effects of preparing method and conditions on the morphology of ultrafine iron oxide pigments were discussed .

  23. 表面处理技术是氧化铁颜料后处理技术很重要的发展方向之一,它可以提高产品的分散性能,进而提高产品的使用性能。

    Surface treatment technique is one of very important processing technique of Iron oxide pigments and can improve dispersion properties and applied performances of products .

  24. 但与发达国家相比,我国氧化铁颜料行业还比较落后,所生产的氧化铁颜料大都是未经处理的初级产品,价格低廉,产品的附加值低。

    But compared with iron oxide pigments in developed countries , iron oxide pigments are mostly primary products , with price cheap and additive value low .

  25. 钛白副产硫酸亚铁制取氧化铁颜料的工艺研究用钛白副产硫酸亚铁制备氧化铁黑

    The Technological Research of Preparing Ferric Oxide Pigment From Ferrous Sulfate which is the By Product of Titanium White PRODUCTION OF BLACK IRON OXIDE BY USE OF TIO_2 PRODUCTION BY-PRODUCT FERROUS SULFATE

  26. 氧化铁颜料是产销量仅次于钛白粉的第二大无机颜料,也是无机彩色颜料中产量最大的一类产品,被广泛地应用于各个领域。

    Iron oxide pigments are the second largest output and consumption inorganic pigments only next to titanium pigment and the largest volume colored inorganic pigments and are used widely in many fields .

  27. 氧化铁颜料主要指基本物质为铁的氧化物的着色颜料,如氧化铁红、铁黑、铁黄、铁棕等。

    Iron oxide pigment is a color pigment whose basic substance is the oxide of iron , such as red oxide , yellow iron oxide , black iron oxide , and brown oxide .

  28. 本文利用钛白粉生产过程的副产物硫酸亚铁作原料,经净化处理后,所得沉淀物再经热处理,即得到氧化铁颜料。

    In this paper , using ferrous sulfate ( a by-product of titanium white ) as raw material and sodium carbonate as precipitant , air as oxidative , the precipitate after being heat treatment , is right the ferric oxide pigment .

  29. 高着色力氧化铁黑颜料的制备

    Preparation of High Tinting Strength Black Iron Oxide Pigment

  30. 氧化铁黄颜料的制备及进展

    The Preparation and Advances of Ferric Oxide Yellow Pigment