
ɡǎn jué quē shī
  • Sensory loss;anaesthesia
  1. 术后早期有感觉缺失,主要并发症有感染。

    Anaesthesia appeared earlier and the infection was the main Complication after operation .

  2. PHN病人的感觉缺失值大于带状疱疹急性期病人;

    Patients with PHN presented more serious thermal sensory deficits than those in acute period .

  3. 伴脑桥梗死偏瘫患者的感觉缺失(法)

    Anosognosia for hemiplegia with pontine infarction ( Fren )

  4. 局灶性神经表现,包括轻偏瘫,感觉缺失,视野缺损。

    Focal neurological features including hemiparesis , sensory loss , visual field deficits .

  5. 周围神经损伤后肢体感觉缺失的处理

    Treatment or extremity sense defect after peripheral nerve injuries

  6. 虽然很积极上进的面对自己的生活和事业,但是很多的时候感觉缺失了不少!

    Although very active in their life and career , but many feel when missing a lot !

  7. 在动物界有个普遍现象,当一方面的感觉缺失时,另一方面的功能会增强。

    A phenomenon common in many species is the idea that a lack of one sense strengthens another .

  8. 但是……所以这名生物学家基本上是在说,喜欢吃这些蔬菜的人其实是因为某种感觉缺失?

    But ... so this biologist is basically claiming that people who like to eat these vegetables actually have some sort of sensory deficit ?

  9. 大部分时间,当你从生活中节省下来的钱并没有给你感觉缺失什么。

    Most of the time , when you cut a bit of spending from your life , you 'll find that you never miss it .

  10. 近年来。关节不稳的本体感觉缺失和重建为运动医学、矫形外科学、康复医学等领域的研究热点之一。

    Proprioceptive deficiency and its functional reconstruction of unstable joint is becoming a research focus of sports medicine , orthopedics and rehabilitation medicine in recent years .

  11. 71.69%的老年人本身存在的各种疾患引起肢体活动不便和感觉缺失,直接或间接地导致了烧烫伤的发生。

    71.69 % of the aged patients themselves had various diseases which caused motor or sensory disturbance of extremity , thus directly or indirectly induced burn .

  12. 空洞的出现可引起一系列症状和体征:阶段性感觉缺失、痉挛和瘫痪等。

    The presence of a syrinx is responsible for a cohort of specific signs and symptoms that range from dysesthetic sensations with classical algothermal dissociation to spasticity and paresis .

  13. 目的:探讨外踝术中腓肠神经和腓浅神经损伤的风险,并分析损伤后感觉缺失情况。

    OBJECTIVE : To investigate the risk of damage of the sural and superficial fibular nerves during the operation on the lateral malleolus and analyse the state of anaesthesia .

  14. 结果:自发性疼痛组(8例)感觉缺失值大于触觉异常性疼痛组(17例);

    Results : The scores of sensory deficits in PHN patients with spontaneous pain ( 8 cases ) were more than those in patients with allodynia ( 17 cases ) .

  15. 陷于恋爱不过是进入长久的感觉缺失状态&把一个平平常常的小伙子误认为希腊神话中的神,或者将一个普普通通的姑娘当作女神。

    To be in love is merely to be in a state of perpetual anaethesis-to mistake an ordinary young man for a Greek god or an ordinary young woman for a goddess .

  16. 自休神经移植虽可提供良好的神经营养并防止神经纤维瘤,但供体有限,而且存在供体神经支配区感觉缺失、运动障碍以及可能发生痛经神经瘤等后遗症。

    Autograft may provide neurotrophic and prevent neurofibroma , but the donor is limited , and the presence of donor Nerves of sensory loss , movement disorders , and may occur painful neuroma sequelae .

  17. 视网膜变性就是视网膜的感觉组织缺失或是被破坏。

    This is the loss or destruction of the sensory tissue of the retina .

  18. 感觉神经缺失对兔下颌骨牵张成骨影响的生物力学观察

    Biomechanical study of effects of sensory nerve resection on mandibular distraction osteogenesis in rabbits

  19. 引言:成年人的臂丛神经损伤是破坏性很强的残障性损伤,尤以根性损伤为甚,损伤结果包括运动功能的丧失,感觉的缺失,心理障碍和外观改变。

    Introduction : Adult brachial plexus injuries were a kind of severe functional compromised injuries , especially got worse prognosis in the root avulsion injury . The devastating outcomes include movement disability , sensation loss , psychological disorder and apparent changes .

  20. 在过去10个月里,美国缺少一套全面的贸易政策,人们能明显感觉到这种缺失,他表示。

    For the past 10 months the US has lacked a comprehensive trade agenda and that absence is palpable , he said .

  21. 尽管所有的定义从技术上讲都是正确的,但是感觉仍有点缺失。

    While all of the definitions are technically correct , it feels like something is missing .

  22. 而感觉或运动的缺失持续时间过长将继发肌肉萎缩,造成许多神经伤病人的残废。

    Loss of sensory or motor function for a long period of time will lead to atrophy of the muscles and deformity of a lot of patients with nerve injury .

  23. 糖尿病病程和慢性高血糖的程度是DNP的危险因素。DNP可累及感觉、运动、自主神经,以感觉缺失为主。

    The extent of chronic hyperglycemia progresses and the duration of DM are risk factors of DNP , which affects sensory , motor and autonomic peripheral nerves , especially the sensory ones .