
  1. 他坚持认为这笔资金应该由当地慈善机构管理。

    He insisted that the money should be administered by local charities .

  2. 中国的慈善钱款管理费往往高达捐款总额的10%,而西方仅为3%左右。

    Management fees for charities in China are often up to 10 % of donations collected , compared with around 3 % in the West .

  3. 甚至就连慈善机构的管理者也大受牵累。

    Even charity bosses have taken a big hit .

  4. 公司的花园由一个名为世代全球的慈善机构负责管理,这是一个吸引年轻人参加社区环境工程建设的机构。

    The company 's garden is maintained by a charity called Global Generation , which involves young people in environmental projects in the community .

  5. 慈善组织的管理费问题目前仍处于社会争议阶段,法律应该明确规定管理费的内容和收取方式。

    Presently the management fees of charity organizations still provoke great social controversies , so the relating laws and regulation should explicitly stipulate the contents and means of receipt of the management fees .

  6. 近年来,企业慈善已成为管理者增加利润,获得消费者忠诚度,提高员工士气和建立社区关系的一种手段。

    Corporate philanthropy has become a way to increase profit , gain customers ' loyalty , improve employees ' morale as well as set up a close relationship with local community for years .

  7. 相比于外国已经形成的较为完整的企业慈善理念和管理制度,我国的企业慈善还处于起步阶段,因此还存在着诸多问题。

    Compared to the foreign has been formed a complete enterprise charity idea and the management system , our country enterprise charity still is in start level , so there are still many problems .

  8. 一方面,传统慈善事业因管理不善、缺少经费等原因,日渐衰落;另一方面,随着中国门户洞开,西方教会在华慈善事业得以全面兴起。

    On one hand , because of bad management , lack of funds and other reasons , traditional charity has ebbed ; On the other hand , as China portal opened , western church charity career fully rise in China .

  9. 湖南慈善事业的契约化、制度化特征,不仅仅是慈善事业管理方式的进步,而且也意味着城市市民社会新的发展。

    The systematization and contractual relationship of Hunan 's philanthropy not only appeared the improvement of management , but meant more development of the civic society of city .

  10. 本文的目的就是探讨慈善组织工作人员职务型犯罪行为,分析其动机和表现,从而为慈善组织加强管理、树立良好社会公信力提供有益的思考。

    The purpose of this paper is to explore the crime of charities personnel by taking advantage of duty , analyzes its criminal motivation and performance , so as to provide beneficial thinking for the management of charitable organizations .

  11. 第二,构建严密的慈善法律制度。应当建立慈善组织制度,同时完善慈善捐赠激励制度,并且健全慈善事业监督管理制度。

    Second , we should build rigorous charitable legal system , by way of building the system of charitable organization , completing the system of encouragement of charitable giving and improve the supervision and management system of philanthropy .

  12. 其次要完善慈善事业方面的法律法规和税收优惠政策,给组织发展创造有利的条件,同时建立专门机构对慈善组织进行监督管理,保证组织的公开透明。

    Second , we must improve the laws and regulations of philanthropy and tax incentives , to create favorable conditions for organizational development , while the establishment of specialized institutions to carry out supervision and management of charitable organizations to ensure open and transparent organization .