
  1. 而且,根据慈善消费假说也能对我国慈善事业发展的路径选择提供参考依据。

    Moreover , according to charity the Consumer hypothesis can also cause the development of China Charity Choice to provide reference .

  2. 当前,在消费主义盛行、破坏环境的消费日益突出以及绿色消费、适度消费和慈善消费等有责任消费兴起的背景下,消费者社会责任问题日益受到人们的关注。

    Nowadays , with the prevailing of consumerism , the highlighting of environmental problems aroused by consumption , and the rising of accountable consumption such as moderate consumption and charity consumption , the social responsibility of consumers is gaining increasingly attention by people .

  3. 现实生活中,确实有一些消费者能够做到爱国消费、同情消费和慈善型消费。

    In our real lives , it is true that some consumers can conduct patriotic consumption , compassionate consumption , and philanthropic consumption .

  4. 在这个基础上,本文最重要的工作是将伦理学分析与经济学研究结合起来,构建能准确刻画个人慈善行为的慈善消费假说。

    On this basis , this work is the most important analysis of the ethics and economics are combined to construct accurately depict individual charitable acts of charity spending hypothesis .

  5. 原因与中国的慈善组织的错误认知、慈善消费偏好缺少、慈善文化不佳及社会保障水平低有关。

    All of these are highly related to inaccurate awareness of charity organization , less preference of charity consumption , poor culture of charity , as well as low level social security .