
  • 网络charity;Charitable Organization;Charity Organization;Philanthropic Organization
  1. 慈善组织撒玛利亚救援会(Samaritan'sPurse)在其网站上发表声明称,在利比里亚受到感染的两人病情危险。

    Two , infected in Liberia , were in grave condition , according to a statement on the website of a charitable organization , Samaritan 's Purse .

  2. 据希腊卫生部和慈善组织“Klimaka”数据,10万居民中每年有记录的自杀人数约为六人,约为危机之前的两倍。

    Recorded suicides have roughly doubled since before the crisis to about six per100,000 residents annually , according to the Greek health ministry and a charitable organization called Klimaka .

  3. 一些一流老人服务机构是由慈善组织资助的。

    Some of the best services for the ageing are sponsored by philanthropic organizations .

  4. 奥比斯是一个国际慈善组织。

    ORBIS is an international charitableorganization .

  5. 3.这些地震灾民从几个慈善组织收到了捐款和衣服。

    These earthquake victims received money and clothes from several philanthropic organizations .

  6. 慈善组织Scope上周五强烈要求统一码协会增加残疾人士和残奥会运动员的表情符号。

    On Friday , the charity Scope urged Unicode to add new emoji featuring disabled people and Paralympic athletes .

  7. 宗教慈善组织美国志愿军(VolunteersofAmerica)让潜在的社会改良家根据兴趣搜索志愿服务岗位,一些城市机构也提供类似服务。

    Volunteers of America lets would-be do-gooders search positions by interest , and some municipalities provide similar services .

  8. 所以说DABOMB这个组织,我是说,多米尼加裔美国人慈善组织为了母亲和婴儿们

    So , basically like DA BOMB -- what Dominican-American Benevolent Organization for Mothers and Babies does

  9. 贾斯汀比伯名列第五,因他为慈善组织PencilsofPromise和BelieveCharityDrive做了贡献。

    Justin Bieber rounded out the top five , honoured for his work with Pencils of Promise and his Believe Charity Drive .

  10. 公司会将其利润的1%捐给“4LifeAnimalRescue”,这是一个关爱被遗弃动物的慈善组织。

    The company is donating a percentage of its profits to 4Life Animal Rescue , a charity that aims to care for unwanted and neglected animals .

  11. 他1998年从微软驻北京办事处离职,创立了一个叫roomtoread的慈善组织,打算以此向发展中世界提供旧书。

    He left his Beijing-based Microsoft job in 1998 to found a charity called room to read , conceived as a way to get used books to the developing world .

  12. 这群倡导善举的明星慈善组织包括:“上善若水(Charity:Water)”、“看不见的孩子(InvisibleChildren)”、“Movember”和“许诺铅笔(PencilsofPromise)”。

    This " rock-star group " of do-gooders includes Charity : water , invisible children , Movember , and pencils of promise .

  13. MSN的用户们衷心希望,他们所发的即时消息将来有一天能真正为这些慈善组织添一份力。

    These users hope their instant messages will actually become donations to charitable organizations someday .

  14. 精神卫生慈善组织Mind本周发布的调查数据显示,向老板透露自己有精神卫生问题的员工当中,有五分之一被解雇或被迫辞职。

    This week Mind , a mental health charity , released figures that showed one in five people who had disclosed a mental health problem to their bosses had been sacked or forced out of their jobs .

  15. 作为节目的一部分,australiangold为洛杉矶艾滋病项目组织(aidsprojectlosangeles)获胜团队选择的慈善组织捐款,让观众对该品牌又产生了一层好感。

    As a part of the show , Australian gold sponsored AIDS Project Los Angeles ( the charity of choice of the winning team ) , creating further viewer goodwill toward the brand .

  16. 这段视频由位于华盛顿州的慈善组织PandaPawsRescue拍摄,该组织专门照料Duncan以及其他有特殊需求的狗狗。

    His exciting day trip was filmed by Panda Paws Rescue , a Washington state-based charity that cares for Duncan and other dogs with special needs .

  17. 这些美国人受到起诉。孩子们目前在一个奥地利慈善组织&国际SOS儿童村的一个收容中心里栖身。

    The Americans have been charged and the children have found refuge at a center run by the Austrian-based charity SOS Children 's Villages International .

  18. 所有的慈善组织都忧心忡忡,因为它们都损失了一大笔钱,理查德•伯恩斯坦(RichardBernstein)表示。他是棕榈滩高净收益人群和慈善组织的保险顾问。

    All the charities are worried , because they 've lost so much money , said Richard Bernstein , a Palm Beach insurance adviser to high-net-worth people and charitable organisations .

  19. BBC新闻–美国奥运游泳选手吉米.费根同意为他卷入一起武装抢劫纠纷案中向某巴西慈善组织支付近1.1万美元。

    BBC News - US Olympic swimmer Jimmy Feigen has agreed to pay nearly $ 11000 to a Brazilian charity over his involvement in a dispute about an armed robbery .

  20. 展出结束后,其中的大部分艺术品将进行拍卖,伯奇说,大部分的收益将用来资助罗宾汉基金会(RobinHoodFoundation)和麦迪逊广场男孩女孩俱乐部(MadisonSquareBoysandGirlsClub)等纽约青年慈善组织。

    After its run , much of the art will be auctioned off , with most of the proceeds , he says , going to New York-based youth charities like the Robin Hood Foundation and the Madison Square Boys and Girls Club .

  21. 但最近,高达50%的毕业生在其它行业找到第一份工作消费品、制药、媒体、科技和工业企业,以及非政府组织(ngo)和慈善组织。

    But these days up to 50 per cent of graduates find their first job in other sectors consumer goods , pharmaceutical , media , technology and industrial companies , as well as NGOs and charities .

  22. 但最近,高达50%的毕业生在其它行业找到第一份工作——消费品、制药、媒体、科技和工业企业,以及非政府组织(NGO)和慈善组织。

    But these days up to 50 per cent of graduates find their first job in other sectors - consumer goods , pharmaceutical , media , technology and industrial companies , as well as NGOs and charities .

  23. 类似地,亨利•维康(HenryWellcome)在遗嘱中将其庞大制药康采恩的全部股本投入维康信托(WellcomeTrust),该信托现在大概是全球最大生物医学慈善组织,这源于他的慷慨和远见。

    Similarly , Henry Wellcome 's will vested the entire share capital of his huge pharmaceutical concern in the Wellcome Trust , now perhaps the world 's largest biomedical charity - thanks to his generosity and foresight .

  24. Taubman说,他们正在恳求富国和慈善组织为这个新的旅行基金注入资金。

    Taubman says contributions to the new travel fund are being solicited from wealthy nations and philanthropic organisations .

  25. 慈善组织“供养美国”(FeedingAmerica)的PaulaThorntonGreear指出,美国失业率已经达到10%,这是20多年来的最高水平。

    U.S. unemployment has now topped 10 percent , the highest level in two decades , notes Paula Thornton Greear with the hunger-relief charity Feeding America . " The numbers from the USDA report were extremely alarming , " said Paula Thornton Greear .

  26. 慈善组织乐施会(Oxfam)的这一研究发现将为达沃斯论坛增添讨论话题。此前达沃斯论坛已经面临压力,要求其解释不同国家的不同经济前景,以及一个国家内部不同人群的经济前景。

    The finding , from the charity Oxfam , will add spice to a gathering that is already under pressure to explain the divergent economic outlook for different nations , and among different groups within them .

  27. 英国央行(BoE)首席经济学家安迪•霍尔丹(AndyHaldane)上月描述道,当他在英格兰中部的原工业城市诺丁汉与多个慈善组织开会时,他领教了“第一线真相”。

    Andy Haldane , the Bank of England 's chief economist , described last month how he encountered this " ground truth " when he met a group of charities in Nottingham , a former industrial city in the Midlands .

  28. 在北京最近的一次培训会议上,医生、信息技术专家、商业人士和其他人士准备同国际发展慈善组织海外志愿服务VSO前往非洲进行一到两年的工作。

    At a recent training session in Beijing , doctors , information technology specialists , business professionals and others prepare for a one-to two-year stint in Africa with international development charity VSO , Voluntary Services Overseas .

  29. 现在为引起人们对这种自拍焦虑症的重视,丹尼正在与英国慈善组织Fixers一起努力。Fixers致力于帮助年轻人摆脱困扰自身的问题。

    Now determined to raise awareness of the anxiety disorder , Danny is working with Fixers – a national charity helping young people ' to ' fix ' the issues that matter to them .

  30. 该慈善组织的联合创始人本•莱昂斯(BenLyons)表示,“必须改变文化和人力资源程序,评价员工不应根据他们能够拼命工作的时间长短,而是看他们的工作质量。”

    Ben Lyons , the charity 's co-founder , said there needed to be a " change in culture and HR procedures where employees are assessed not on the total number of hours they are able to grind out , but on the quality of work they are able to produce . "