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cí xiáng
  • kindly;amiable
慈祥 [cí xiáng]
  • [kindly] [老年人的态度、神色] 和善安详

  • 慈祥的面容

慈祥[cí xiáng]
  1. 一道阴影掠过老太太慈祥的面孔。

    A shadow passed over the kindly face of the old woman .

  2. 他慈祥地向下打量着他们,并用手抚摸他们的头。

    He looked kindly down on them and patted their heads .

  3. 他开始讲话了,态度极其和蔼而慈祥。

    He began to talk in his most gentle and avuncular manner .

  4. 他的面容温和而慈祥。

    He possesses a mild and benevolent countenance .

  5. 那位老人慈祥地笑了一笑。

    The old man had a benign smile .

  6. 以前还从没有其他任何事情能让我如此的震撼——看着这些去世的人的脸庞,还展现着热情的笑容和慈祥的眼神,就和他们在生活中所表现出来的一样。

    This tugged10 at my heart more than anything else - to see the faces of the people buried there as they were in life ; their warm smiles and the kindness in their eyes .

  7. n.爱他温柔且慈祥的态度增加同事们对他的好感。……

    affection His gentleness and kind ways increased his colleagues ' affection for him .......

  8. 在经营过皮克斯(电影制作室),NeXT(计算机制造商)之后,他已经成为一个更加成熟的管理者,虽然,不是很慈祥的那种。

    He hadbecome a more mature manager , if not quite a mellow one , after running , with mixedsuccess , Pixar , a film studio , and NeXT , a computer maker .

  9. 没错,妈妈的爱是慈祥的,温暖的。

    Yes , a mother 's love is kind , warm .

  10. 上帝依旧用这慈祥轻柔的声音对我说。

    God 's still small voice came to me and said .

  11. 泪水竟从奶奶慈祥的眼角里夺眶而出。

    Suddenly the tear had streamed from granny 's kindly eyes .

  12. 祂会慈祥地将你引领到天上的家。

    He 'll lovingly take you to your mansion in heaven .

  13. 他那张光滑而沉思的脸露出助人为乐的慈祥神色。

    His smooth , speculative face is composed to benevolent expectation .

  14. 老人脸上浮现出慈祥的笑容。

    A kindly smile appeared on the old man 's face .

  15. 他很细心,是个慈祥的老人。

    He 's a deeply sensitive person . a darling old man .

  16. 您是慈祥而智慧的;是幽冥世界的女王。

    You are the Crone ; Queen of the world of spirits .

  17. 老师带着慈祥的微笑看着我。

    The teacher looked at me with a fatherly smile .

  18. 她是我最慈祥的母亲。

    She is as kind a mother as I could ask for .

  19. 我问陪同的那位慈祥的修道士,这是谁的大作。

    I asked the good-natured monk who accompanied us who did this .

  20. 我把优美的舞姿献给慈祥的老树。

    I put the beautiful dances to kindly old trees .

  21. 我有一个忙碌的爸爸和一个慈祥的妈妈。

    I have a busy father and a kind mother .

  22. 母羊目光慈祥把这一幕揽尽。

    And the ewe catches the whole scene with her kind sight .

  23. 您所看到的是一个慈祥和蔼的男子汉,亲爱的。

    All you see is a kind man , darling .

  24. 昨夜我又见到你那慈祥的笑颜了。

    Last night I again saw your kindly smiling face .

  25. 昨夜又见到你那慈祥的笑颜了。

    The night before I again saw your genial smile .

  26. 然后一个很慈祥的人走过来。

    And then this really nice man came to me .

  27. 那些皱纹,为他的脸增添了许多慈祥的笑意。

    These lines added a kindly humor to his face .

  28. 这个动作是这样优雅、这样地充满了慈祥。

    The action was so graceful and inclusively benign .

  29. 几分钟后,一位慈祥的老太太被推了近来。

    In a few minutes a kind-looking lady was wheeled into the room .

  30. 奶奶是个慈祥的人,跟人说话语气很婉和。

    Grandma is a kind person , very mild when talking to others .