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áo xiáng
  • soar;hover;flutter;hover over;take wing
翱翔 [áo xiáng]
  • [flutter;soar;hover over;take wing] 在空中(常指在高空)飞行或盘旋

  • 展翅翱翔于两三千米高空的雄鹰,一下子就能发现地面上宽广范围内的一只小兔或小鸡。——《眼睛与仿生学》

翱翔[áo xiáng]
  1. 老鹰无需振翼就能翱翔。

    The eagle can soar without flapping their wings .

  2. 在天空中翱翔的鹰也需要休息。

    The eagles who soar through the sky are at rest .

  3. 一只鹰在小山的上空翱翔。

    A hawk hovered over the hill .

  4. 一只鹰在头顶上翱翔。

    An eagle was gliding high overhead .

  5. 海鸥翱翔着,然后俯冲下来。

    The seagulls soared then dived .

  6. 这些鹰飞行能力极其出色,可以长时间在空中翱翔和盘旋。

    These hawks are magnificent in flight , soaring and circling for long periods

  7. 陪伴我们的仅有那只盘旋的信天翁,它在游艇后面优雅轻盈地翱翔。

    Our only companion is the wandering albatross , which glides effortlessly and gracefully behind the yacht .

  8. 老鹰在山的上空高高翱翔。

    The hawks are soaring high above the hills .

  9. 他看到一只鹰在头顶上翱翔。

    He saw an eagle gliding high overhead .

  10. 海鸥在惊涛骇浪上翱翔。

    Seagulls hover over the surging waves .

  11. 一只老鹰在蓝色的天空中翱翔。

    A hawk hovered in the blue sky .

  12. 中国商飞承载着民族的梦想和人民的信任,为实现“翱翔天际”的世纪梦想和国家战略而奋斗。

    In order to realize the century dream of flying in the sky and the strategy of the nation , COMAC bears the nation 's dream and people 's trust .

  13. 晨光下,小鹦鹉、巨嘴鸟和翅膀鲜蓝的金刚鹦鹉展翼翱翔

    Against it , parakeets and toucans and blue-winged macaws swoop .

  14. 虽然有些人肯定不鼓励更多地使用无人机,不过你不得不承认,这些用无人机拍摄的翱翔中雄鹰的照片非常有视觉冲击力。

    Some people certainly don 't want to encourage more drone use , but you have to admit that dronestagrams of an eagle in flight is pretty impressive1 .

  15. 每当它盘旋在空中,就会带来一阵旋风,它一次奋飞9万里,翱翔在蓝天雾海,直到南海。

    When it wheeled up into the air a whirlwind arose , and in each flight it covered ninety thousand li , flying above the misty vapours under the sky , to the Southern Ocean .

  16. 面对中国加入WTO后世界一体化浪潮的冲击,其胜人有信心和决心来迎接挑战,驰骋未来,翱翔蓝天!

    Facing the wave of the economic internationalization after China Joined WTO , the Qisheng people have the confidence and determination to meet the challenge and try to make higher achievements !

  17. 他称,个人飞行器首先出现在1928年的一本名为”惊奇故事“的漫画书中,内容介绍了英雄BuckRogers用飞行器在空中翱翔。

    He says the jet pack first appeared in1928 in an Amazing Stories comic book , which featured the hero Buck Rogers zooming though the sky in a jet pack .

  18. 公元前4世纪,能工巧匠公输班(GongshuBan,即鲁班)和哲学家墨翟(MoDi,即墨子),各自制作出了能随风自由翱翔的鸟形风筝,这对新奇的事物马上流行了起来。

    During the fourth century B.C. , Gongshu Ban and Mo Di , a patron of the arts and a philosopher , respectively , constructed bird-shaped kites that dipped and dove in the wind . The pair 's novelty caught on quickly .

  19. 状若蝙蝠的B-2隐形轰炸机曾一度被人中伤为无法在雨中执行任务的价值20亿美元的废铜烂铁,由于在两次战争中展示了威力。这些天来它一直高高翱翔。

    Once ed as a $ 2 billion boondoggle that couldn 't operate in the rain , the bat-winged B-2 Stealth Bomber is flying high these days , having proven its in two wars .

  20. “飞翔是最典型的例子,”来自加拿大的网页设计者兼电视录像制作人Gringas说,“当你意识到正做一个清晰的梦时,便开始起飞翱翔。”

    " Flying is the most classic example ," said Gringas , a Web designer and videographer from Canada . " When you realize you 're having a lucid dream , you just take off and fly !"

  21. 他想像小鸟一样翱翔在天空。

    He want to fly in the sky like a bird .

  22. 看啊那飞鸟翱翔于云天之上

    Look at the bird ! He flies in the sky .

  23. 这里是黑人展翅翱翔的地方。

    The place where the Negro comes to spread his wings .

  24. 她的灵魂仿佛在爱玲居住地的上空翱翔。

    Her soul seemed to soar over the plain Aileen inhabited .

  25. 狂暴的人抓住并歌唱过翱翔的太阳,

    Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight ,

  26. 忘记彼此国界,抛开牢笼自由翱翔;

    Forget your borders , ignore your cages and fly free .

  27. 因为诗的话语有奔行的意涵与翱翔的乐韵。

    For its words have meaning that walks and music that soars .

  28. 密密麻麻的鸟儿在蔚蓝明媚的天际自由翱翔。

    Hundreds of birds fly in a sunny blue sky .

  29. 科技创新:现代文化产业翱翔之翼

    Science Technology Innovation : The Wing of Modern Cultural Industry

  30. 顷刻之间,我感到,在自由的翱翔。

    For a moment in time I could feel I was free .