
  1. 确立“以戒为本、重治慎罚”的戒毒理念。

    We to establish the ideology " Detoxcautious penalty " .

  2. 它分为明德和慎罚两部分。

    It contained two parts : they are " bright virtue " and " careful punishment " .

  3. 《周礼》中的赦免制度主要以减刑为主,体现了恤刑、慎罚,王权至上等思想,反映了东周社会的过渡性特征。

    The pardon system in Zhou-Li mainly is the shirt punishment , such a thinking of royal autocracy , with certain transitional .

  4. 受恤刑慎罚思想的影响,早在三国时期的北魏,死刑案件的处决权基本上都由皇帝亲自掌握,最后核定;

    In the period of Bei Wei , influenced by the idea of " punishing cautiously ", the power to execute and check death penalty was controlled by emperor ;

  5. 直诉制度的存在反映了中国古代慎刑谨罚的民本思想,也反映了普通民众的清官情结。

    Straight sues system existence reflects Chinese ancient cautious punishment to the punishment of people-oriented thoughts , also reflects the ordinary people ruling complex .