
rú xué sī xiǎnɡ
  • Confucianism
  1. 儒学思想的现代困境及未来思索

    Present Dilemma of the Confucianism and Thinking of Its Future

  2. 儒学思想对朝鲜半岛医学的影响研究

    Study on the Influence of Confucianism on Korean Peninsula Medicine

  3. 历史哲学视域下的孔子儒学思想研究

    On Confucius ' Thoughts from the Perspective of Philosophy of History

  4. 儒学思想发端于春秋末年的孔子,后经孟子继承和发展,形成了以孔孟思想为体系的一个学派。

    Confucius and Mencius was formed as a school system .

  5. 对儒学思想当代价值的评价

    Appraisal of the Modern Value of the Chinese Confucian Thought

  6. 隋唐时期佛教禅宗对儒学思想的影响

    A Discussion on Buddhism Zen 's Impact on Confucianism in Sui and Tang Dynasty

  7. 欧阳修的儒学思想探析

    The Study of Confucianism Thought of Ouyang Xiu

  8. 儒学思想在当代日韩企业中的应用探析

    The Analysis of the Confucianism Thought Applied in the Enterprise in Japan and Korea

  9. 但儒学思想的末落已证明了前者的徒劳无功。

    But Confucianism which was dying prove the making a futile effort of the former .

  10. 知识分子的现代使命&杜维明新儒学思想述评

    The Modern Mission of Intellectuals & A Commentary on Du Weiming 's New Confucian Ideas

  11. 简论梁漱溟新儒学思想

    The New Confucian Thoughts of Liang Shuming

  12. 三系论是现代新儒家重要代表人物牟宗三儒学思想的标志性成果。

    Theory on Three Schools is the important result of Mu Zongsan s Confucian thought .

  13. 第三部分,系统介绍了传统儒学思想发展的基本脉络;

    The third part states the development of the Chinese Confucian thought in different stages .

  14. 孔子创立的儒学思想,从汉代以来作为汉族封建政权的统治思想,一直贯穿中国二千多年的历史。

    Confucianism had been the ruling thought of the Chinese feudal regimes since the Han Dynasty .

  15. 朱子学说是儒学思想史发展历程的一座高峰。

    The Doctrine of Zhu Xi is a peak in the course of development of Confucianism .

  16. 论文通过对《颜氏家训》篇卷结构与主要内容的分析介绍,提炼出融合其中的丰富的儒学思想传统。

    Based on the introduction of Yan family instructions , this paper refines the fusion of Confucianism .

  17. 在归纳总结有史以来李贽思想研究既有成果基础上,本文采用还原性诠释法研究了李贽儒学思想。

    The history of Li Zhi thought study has been firstly investigated and summarized in detail in the dissertation .

  18. 在这一变革之下,僧人群体与儒学思想发生了哪些矛盾和斗争?

    In the course of changes , which contradiction and struggle did happen between Buddhist fellowship and the Confucian persuasion ?

  19. 梁漱溟的早期儒学思想是其现代新儒学思想体系的一个重要组成部分。

    Liang Shuming 's early Confucian thought plays an important role in the whole system of " New Confucian Theory " .

  20. 只有考察了这一命题,我们才能在把握六经皆史本质含义的基础上全面理解实斋的儒学思想。

    Only by pondering this question can we grasp the essence of the famous maxim and completely understand Zhang 's thought .

  21. 第四部分,是本文的中心部分,从五个方面对儒学思想的当代价值进行了详细的评价;

    The fourth part , as the center of the thesis , appraises the modern value of the Chinese Confucian thought .

  22. 我国学术界对于唐末儒学思想的研究尚显得有些薄弱。

    Our country academic circle still appeared somewhat weak regarding the research of Confucianism in the last years of Tang Dynasty .

  23. 对于我国的慈善文化渊源,笔者着重从儒学思想中涉及慈善问题的方面着手展开。

    The cultural origins of the charity , the author focuses on Confucianism from the issues involved in charitable aspects started .

  24. 儒学思想在之后的汉代复兴并成为了中国封建社会的官方学说。

    Confucianism was revived in the Han Dynasty that followed , and became the official ideology of the Chinese imperial state .

  25. 他对儒学思想的阐释,包含有对儒家经典典籍的解读,体现他对儒家传统经典的继承和独到的发挥。

    Interpretation of Confucianism , including the interpretation of the Confucian classic texts , reflecting the Confucian classic inheritance and unique play .

  26. 第二部分,论述了评价儒学思想当代价值的模式和评价标准;

    The second part points out the models and standard of the appraisal of the modern value of the Chinese Confucian thought .

  27. 儒家伦理是儒学思想的核心,佛教在传入中国的过程中,其无父无君思想,首当其冲的与儒家伦理发生了冲撞。

    Because the Confucian ethics is the core of the Confucian persuasion , Buddhism is contradictory with Confucianism when Buddhism spread into China .

  28. 汉字的传入和使用,改变了东亚各国无文字的历史,使深层次文化交流得以进行,并逐渐形成以中国儒学思想为核心、汉字为重要特征之一的东亚汉字文化圈。

    Thus , East Asia Chinese-character cultural circle gradually formed with Confucianism as its core and the Chinese character as one of its main features .

  29. 作为封建儒学思想的最终表现形态,近代“卫正斥邪”思想无疑在朝鲜人民抗击外来侵略和朝鲜的近代化过程有着非常深远的影响。

    As the expressional form of confucianism , it has very deeply influence for the Korean and the modernization of Korea to struggle for the invasion .

  30. 论传统儒学思想在弘扬中华民族精神中的作用

    On the Efficiency of Traditional Confucianism in Developing the Spirit of Chinese Nation Yan Xishan 's Confucianism in Earlier Period On Liang Shuming 's Early Confucian Theory