
rú jiā wén mínɡ
  • Confucian civilization
  1. 儒家文明是一个世界地缘政治的摹状词。

    The Confucian Civilization is a geopolitical phrase in the world .

  2. 儒家文明的现代展望&由东亚文明引发的思考

    Modern Expectation for Confucian Civilization & Thought Initiated by East-Asian Civilization

  3. 理学、《四书》学与儒家文明现代科技文明的人文哲学

    Human Philosophy of the Civilization of Modern Science and Technology

  4. 追求社会的普遍和谐是儒家文明的精髓,也是现代文明的主要价值目标。

    Pursuing universal harmony is the essence of the Confucianists ' civilization and the main value of modern civilization as well .

  5. 大教育家孔子曾周游中原列国讲学十余年,使中州大地成为培育和弘扬儒家文明的重要场所。

    Confucius , the great educationist , had given lectures around the kingdoms in the central plains for more than ten years .

  6. 无论对社会主义和谐社会建设还是对和谐世界建设,儒家文明与基督文明的求同存异,友好对话与契合都将发挥重大作用。

    So no matter in constructing socialist society or a harmonious world , seeking common points and reserving differences , and friendly dialogue between them will definitely be important to harmony .

  7. 在人类文明发展史上,儒家文明是一颗璀璨的明珠,儒家文化是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,以孔子为代表的儒家大师是我国道德教育的先驱。

    In human culture developing history , the Confucianism like a resplendent pearl , it also is one of the important parts of Chinese traditional culture , the Confucius as the representative of Confucianism masters is the avant-courier of our moral education .

  8. 中国的世界地位边缘化使中国文明失去与西方文明对话的资格,而传统知识分子对儒家文明断绝而产生的内在式焦虑,促使金庸在想象中重建文化中国。

    In consequence of the marginal status of China in the world , the Chinese culture lost the qualification of conversing with the Western culture , so much so that the traditional intellectuals were baffled with an internal anxiety that the Confucian civilization would come to an end .

  9. 论儒家政治文明

    On the Political Civilization of Confucianism

  10. 亨廷顿提出了文明冲突论,而现代新儒家则倡导文明的对话与交流。

    Compared with the theory of " conflict of civilization " advanced by Huntington , the contemporary Confucianism asserts that we need the dialogues and communicatons among all civilization .

  11. 儒家思想是东方文明的主要内容。

    Confucian thought plays a key role in the oriental civilization .

  12. 儒家推崇的政治文明形态初探

    Preliminary Probe into the Political Civilization Form Which Confucianism Highly Praised

  13. 儒家文化是东方文明的一个典型的代表。

    Confucianism is the symbol of eastern culture .

  14. 当今社会,儒家文化与现代文明需要双向沟通与交流,实现儒学与现代社会的双向互动,才是应有之局。

    Confucian culture should communicate with modern civilization bi-directionally . It 's desirable to achieve bi-directional interaction between Confucian and modem society .

  15. 伴随着东亚文明的发展,人们对东亚文明进行了文化探源,并有不少人认为儒家文化是东亚文明的原动力。

    With the development of East Asian Civilization , people probed into the East Asian Civilization , and a few people thought the Confucian culture is the original driven force of the East Asian Civilization .

  16. 一方面,传统儒家文化植根于农耕文明,与中国农村社会紧密相连,新农村文化建设必须立足儒家文化承接现代文明。

    The traditional Confucian culture has been deepened as people 's cultural-psychological construct , and thus shall be regarded as the basis of the socialist new rural cultural construction .