
huì xiá
  • clever and artful;shrewd;intelligent and crafty
慧黠 [huì xiá]
  • [intelligent and crafty] 聪慧而狡猾

  • [淑妃]慧黠,能弹琵琶,工歌舞。--《北史.冯淑妃传》

慧黠[huì xiá]
  1. 回去一看一出,不出问题,可找与慧黠的喜剧。

    Go back and watch in and outand see how the issue can be approached with comedic cleverness .

  2. 阿美族孩童长而翘的睫毛、慧黠的双眸与纯挚的笑声,荡漾在静寂的街头巷尾。

    The Ami children with their long , curling eyelashes , their intelligent , artful eyes and their pure , sincere laughter , run about the quiet streets and alleys .