首页 / 词典 / good

  • Wisdom;intelligent;bright
  • 聪明,有才智:聪~。智~。颖~。~黠(聪明而狡猾)。~心。


(聪明) intelligent; bright:

  • 智慧

    wisdom; intelligence;

  • 聪慧

    bright; intelligent

  1. 水的柔性赋予浙江文化柔慧智巧、开放兼容的文化魅力;

    The tenderness of water endows Zhejiang culture with the charm of being intelligent , ingenious , open and compatible ;

  2. 开放教育、慧管理、程改革、智能校园等都为当前教育改革提供了光彩耀人的范例。

    Open education , intelligent management , curriculum reform and intelligentized campus provide an excellent case for contemporary educational reform .

  3. 比赛是由慧纳酒庄赞助的。

    The competition was sponsored by Ruinart Champagne

  4. 相比之下更有戏的应用是RescueTime,该应用是慧俪轻体(WeightWatchers)节食计划的信息版。

    More promising is Rescue Time , which is the Weight Watchers of information diets .

  5. 慧星偶尔会分裂,但在记载中没有任何一颗慧星象C/LINEAR那样完全瓦解。

    Comets split apart occasionally , but no other comet on record has thoroughly disintegrated , as C / LINEAR did .

  6. 单细胞凝胶电泳显示经熊果酸作用的K562细胞出现明显的慧尾状DNA漏逸。

    Single cell electrophoresis assay indicated UA-treated cells presented clear leaked DNA tails .

  7. 慧俪轻体表示,公司超过半数的客户在开始减肥前就已经拥有了健康的身体质量指数(bodymassindex),但公司不会帮助会员变得体重过轻。

    The company says more than half its clients have a healthy body mass index before they start , though Weight Watchers will not help members become underweight .

  8. 福和慧素食餐厅(FuHeHui)清幽静谧,隐身于上海车水马龙、喧嚣嘈杂的闹市区。

    Fu He Hui is a haven of stillness amid the car horns and frantic traffic of Shanghai .

  9. 如今,全球减肥行业的美国领军企业慧俪轻体(weightwatchers)正试图从中大赚一笔。

    And now weight watchers , the American champion of global weight loss , is trying to cash in .

  10. 当慧子沉迷于展献魅力时,我也秀了秀5A的旗帜。

    I showed5A 's flag while Feizi was indulging in coquetry .

  11. 是给一个叫做Ben,Griffith的人,当时她完成《慧血》的写作,人们开始读这部作品。

    So she had just finished Wise Blood , and people are starting to read it , ask her questions .

  12. 在分析自身需求及规划信息化未来的基础上,慧宁集团希望建立科学的OA协作平台来作为企业持续发展的基础保障。

    Analyzing its requirements and planning information future , HuiNing Group want to build a scientific OA business collaboration platform to ensure its sustainable development .

  13. 但是,当福餐饮集团(Fugroup)旗下的其它餐厅专注于传统精致菜肴时,福和慧则另辟蹊径、推出了高端全素中餐。

    But while the other restaurants in the Fu group have focused on exquisite renditions of traditional dishes , Fu He Hui has taken an unconventional road for Chinese haute cuisine , by serving entirely vegetarian food .

  14. “在中国,年轻女孩把体重看作是一个大问题,尽管她们看上去很苗条,”慧俪轻体的教练jackiemao表示。

    " In China , young girls think their weight is a big problem , even if they look tiny , " says Jackie Mao , a weight watchers teacher .

  15. 利用光路计算程序进行大量的光路计算,分析KBA显微镜的像散、像面倾斜、球差和慧差。

    Astigmatism , field obliquity , spherical aberration and coma are analyzed using the progam to trace numerous rays .

  16. 他解释道:许多国家的雇主都已经为其员工制定了自愿健康方案,如公司可以报销你参加慧俪轻体(WeightWatchers)或其它减肥计划的费用。

    He explained : ' Employers in many countries have developed voluntary schemes for their employees whereby , for example , you actually get cash back based on participation in Weight Watchers , or other type schemes . '

  17. 由于没有校正像差的变数,KBA显微镜存在球差和慧差,但和KB结构相比,像差大大减少了。

    Since there are no variations for correctiong aberrations , sperical aberration and coma still exist . However comparing to KB , aberrations are reduced greatly .

  18. 除了异常开胃的素烧排骨以及白灵菇(mushroomcutlet)这两道菜外,福和慧的午餐套餐单上再无其它“假肉菜”了。

    Apart from the " spare rib " appetiser and a mushroom cutlet , there were no fake meat dishes on our lunch menus at Fu He Hui .

  19. 福和慧是继上海久负盛名的福1015、福1088以及福1039餐厅后,该餐饮集团最新开设的一家素食餐厅,它由上海最知名的大厨卢怿明(TonyLu)主理。

    Fu He Hui is the most recent venture from the team behind the notable Shanghai restaurants Fu1015 , Fu1088 and Fu1039 , and is under the stewardship of one of the city 's most outstanding chefs , Tony Lu .

  20. JW3201单通道台式光功率计是嘉慧公司开发设计的高精度、宽量程光功率检测设备。

    JW3201 Single Channel Benchtop Power Meter is a test instrument with high precision and wide measurement range .

  21. 举个例子,游客可以到离福和慧不到一英里的玉佛寺(JadeBuddhaTemple)素斋餐厅品尝由豆腐、素排骨做成的“素烤鸭”、“素火腿”以及“素炒蟹粉”。

    Less than a mile from Fu He Hui , for example , you can drop into the restaurant at the Jade Buddha Temple for some " roast duck " and " ham " made with tofu , or vegetarian " pork chops " and " stir-fried crabmeat . "

  22. 今天TVB节目预告,秋官将于周四出席「慧妍爱心倾城廿五载」慈善筹款晚会,担任表演嘉宾,该节目将于9/29星期六晚上八点于TVB翡翠台播出!

    Today there was an advertisement of Adam on TVB showing that he will take part in performing at WAI YIN charity show this Thursday , and it will be aired on Sat.9/29 at8 pm on TVB Jade channel !

  23. 森晨,慧成,永古还有永古的女朋友。

    Seong-jin , hye-seong , jong-gu , and jong-gu 's girlfriend .

  24. 为健民的妈妈及慧嫦的双亲健康感恩。

    Thank God for good health of all of our parents .

  25. 但是他们从未放弃,慧灵也从未放弃。

    But they never give up and Huiling also never gives up .

  26. 你们认为慧知为什么会突然自杀?

    Why do you think hye Ji suddenly committed suicide ?

  27. 慧机:我不知道。你呢?

    Jabberwacky : I don 't know , are you ?

  28. 慧见所要求的,不外是你想看见的决心。

    Your decision to see is all that vision requires .

  29. 生命健康需要活动,慧命健康需靠精进。

    Physical activity enhances health ; spiritual cultivation enhances wisdom .

  30. 第12章到慧骃国的航行

    Chapter 12 A voyage to the country of the Houyhnhnme