
chénɡ fǎn bǐ
  • Inversely proportional;be in reverse ratio/proportion
成反比 [chéng fǎn bǐ]
  • [vary inversely;be inversely proportional to] 交替地或连续地显现出与其他事物相异的性质或属性

  • 一个数学量可以与另一个数学量成反比

  1. 一个人的财富常常与他的幸福成反比。

    A person 's wealth is often in inverse proportion to their happiness .

  2. 拉力的大小与他们离终点的距离成反比。

    The tension grew in inverse proportion to the distance from their final destination .

  3. 超电压在某种程度上随电流密度成反比地变化。

    The overvoltage varies inversely with the current density to some extent .

  4. 需要的力度与材料的硬度成反比

    The amount of force needed is inversely proportional to the rigidity of the material .

  5. P波速度与裂隙密度成反比关系。

    The P wave is inversely proportional to crack density .

  6. P波速度和抗压强度与微裂隙密度和微裂隙长度成反比。

    P wave speeds and peak strength decrease with the crack length and crack density .

  7. B与口模长径比之间大致上成反比关系,而与壁面剪切应力之间基本上成幂律关系;

    The relationship between B and the die length-diameter ratio was proximately inverse proportion .

  8. 龈沟内的pH值与细菌数成反比。

    Numbers of bacteria increased as the PH value of gingival fluid decreased .

  9. 进风温度与产品水分成反比,但影响不显著(P>0.05)。

    Input temperature was inverse relation with water content , but the influence was not significant ( P > 0.05 ) .

  10. 发现线性衰减系数与d和E成反比与ρ成正比,而侧边散射系数与d和E成正比但与ρ成反比。

    P. The side scattering coefficient , ac , is directly proportional to both d and E.

  11. 共振圈模型理论表明,长度相异的共振圈有着不同的共振能。当共振圈的长度为4n+2时,共振圈的共振能与n成反比。

    In the conjugated circuits model [ 2-25 ] , conjugated circuits with different sizes have different resonant energies .

  12. Cr、Cd、Zn在飞灰中的相对富集程度与各自熔点成反比;

    The contents of Cr , Cd , Zn in fly ashes are inverse proportional to their boiling points .

  13. 研究表明,在入射波为P波时,反射系数与入射波频率的平方近似成反比。

    The results show that , when the P waves are assumed to be the incident waves , the reflection coefficient is inverse proportional to the incidence frequency approximately .

  14. 半致死浓度Lc50与pH和水的硬度成反比。

    The lethal concentration is inversely proportional to pH and water hardness .

  15. 规划参数方差(V)与有用的团队知识(K)成反比,即:V等于K分之一

    Program parameter variance ( V ) is inversely proportional to the useful team knowledge ( K ), i.e. , knowledge required so that : V equals one over kay

  16. 高Δn低粘度液晶的合成及性能研究流体的运移性与粘度成反比,石油吸收部分气相组分后粘度降低。

    Synthesis and Properties of High Birefringence and Low Viscosity Liquid Crystal The mobility is inversely proportional to the viscosity , and the viscosity is reduced when the oil takes up gaseous components .

  17. 结果表明:作为选择压的沉降速率与反应器中SV值和MLSS成反比关系;

    Results showed that settling rate is in inverse ratio to the value of SV and MLSS .

  18. 而且对于试验的对照条件和FACE条件相比则符合经济系数和株高成反比的规律,在FACE条件下经济系数减小,株高明显增高。

    For the control test conditions and compared FACE conditions , the economic coefficient is inversely proportional to the plant height which means the economic coefficient decreases when the plant height increased significantly under the conditions of the FACE experiment .

  19. 此外,实验揭示E2能级的相对隙态密度与PL谱的发光强度成反比,表明深能级E2具有复合中心性质。

    Moreover , the intensity of the PL spectra decreases while the relative density of E_2 increases , showing that E_2 has the properties of a nonradiative center .

  20. 残留铝含量与絮凝剂絮凝效能成反比。PASC和PAC在中性pH条件下具有最低的残留铝含量。

    The content of remnant aluminum is lower when higher coagulation efficiency is achieved . PASC and PAC give the lowest residual aluminum concentration in neutral pH range .

  21. 结果DE收缩度与FB数量呈正比,终末收缩度与胶原蛋白浓度成反比;

    Results The contraction rate of the DE was proportional to the number of fibroblasts , and the final size of the DE was inversely proportional to the concentration of collagen protein .

  22. 这无疑是帕金森鸡毛蒜皮定律(Parkinson’slawoftriviality)的一个例子。该定律说,我们考虑一件事的时间和这件事的重要性成反比。

    This , surely , is a version of Parkinson 's law of triviality , which states that the amount of time we spend thinking about something is in inverse proportion to its importance .

  23. 由于STCP算法的窗口增加和RTT成反比,引起了算法的RTT不公平。

    Because the window increase of STCP algorithm is inversely proportional to RTT , causing the algorithm RTT unfair .

  24. 研究发现,SBS作为一种破坏机制,表现为前表面破坏,且破坏阈值与激光脉宽以及作用区长度均成反比。

    The theoretical research shows that the SBS induced damage mostly happens at the entrance surface of pump laser and the threshold intensity is inversely proportional to laser pulse width and the interaction length .

  25. 结果发现,初始时刻位于流场上半侧的颗粒向下半侧的扩散程度跟颗粒的Stokes数成反比。

    The results show that the dispersion extent to the nether region of the particles placed initially in the upper region of the flow field is in inverse proportion to the particle Stokes number .

  26. 进行多因素分析,结果发现患者年龄、血浆总胆固醇水平与GFR成反比,甘油三酯水平与GFR成正比。

    Multi-factor analysis , found that patients with age , plasma total cholesterol levels and inversely proportional to GFR , and triglyceride level is directly proportional to GFR .

  27. Kdmax/Kd比值则分别为20.49,16.86,20.60,5.30,与土壤的foc成反比。

    The values of Kdmax / Kd are 20.49 , 16.86 , 20.60 , 5.30 , respectively ; and form in versal ratio to foc of soil .

  28. 藻体中UVAC的含量与UVR诱导的抑制率成反比,显示了UVAC屏遮UVR而起到的保护作用。

    The negative relationship between content of UVAC and inhibitory rate induced by UVR , indicated the protection of UVAC against UVR .

  29. 结论GCS评分与上消化道出血率成反比关系,即GCS评分越低上消化道出血率越高,预后越差。

    Conclusion The significant inverse relation was found between GCS score and upper gastrointestinal bleeding rate , that is the lower the former is , the higher the latter is and the worse the prognosis is .

  30. 本文进一步表明,对于位置-尺度分布族RSS样本下的Fisher信息矩阵与位置参数无关,与尺度参数成反比。

    What ` s more , as far as the location-scale population is concerned , we show that the Fisher information matrix from an RSS sample is independent of the location parameter and is inversely proportional to the scale parameter .