
  1. 它对人体完全无毒副作用,同时具有抗菌、消炎、抗病毒、抗肿瘤等作用,可被开发成口含片、胶囊、口香糖及口腔喷雾剂等产品形式。

    It was completely no harmful and side-effect to human body , and has the function of antibacterial , anti-inflammatory , anti-viral and anti-tumor .

  2. 结果表明其分切废品率由设计的6%降为35%,成口收率提高25%~30%。

    The improved slitter was easy for operation and maintenance , and the result showed the slitting reject rate decreased from designed 6 % to 3.5 % , and the rate of finished product increased by 2.5 % ~ 3.0 %

  3. 他们打成这口井比过去预计的时间还要早。

    They completed the we11 earlier than had expected .

  4. 你们给我们提供了重要的资料,使我们能成功地打成这口井。

    Your providing us with the important information enabled us to complete this well successfully .

  5. 通常把脑血管病患者出现的嘴歪舌偏,一概描述成“口眼歪斜”这是不太确切的。

    The mouth crooked tongue that appears cerebral blood-vessel ill patient normally slants , entirely is described " buccal key point is wry " this is not quite exact .

  6. 为合理开发利用巴蛸资源,对29.4~58.8kW渔船巴蛸拖网进行了改进设计,改成低口、长袖的结构形式,并配置驱赶铁链。

    In order to exploit the octopus resource reasonably . the dragnet on the 29.4-58.8 kW trawler was changed into a type of low gap . long sleeve structure .

  7. 我必须扔掉树头,然后把树干和树根(根仍深植于泥土中)雕成一口又深又大的钵,像个游泳池。

    I have to throw away the top of the tree , then carve the trunk and roots ( which are still lodged in the earth ) into a big , deep bowl like a swimming pool .

  8. 在新钻成的27口井中,已经有16口证明有开发价值。

    Of 27 new wells drilled , 16 have proved exploitable .

  9. EarPods看着和现今的版本相似,唯一差别是插孔已经替换成闪电连接口了。

    The EarPods look very similar to the current version with the only difference being the headphone jack connector has been replaced with a Lightning connector .

  10. 应用电动钻机和顶部驱动钻井设备,优化钻具组合,完善钻井液性能,仅用79d就安全优质地钻成了这口大斜度高难度定向井。

    It took only 79d to complete the extremely difficult high angle directional well safely with high grade by using the electric rig and top drive drilling equipment , optimized bottom hole assembly and perfect performance of drilling fluid .

  11. 印度油炸小点——塞满馅的面团,炸制而成,一口一个正合适;餐包蔬菜——松软酥脆的黄油面包搭配丰富的蔬菜咖喱,都是孟买的传奇。

    Panipuri , bite-size balls of stuffed fried dough , are legendary in Mumbai , as is pav bhaji , a rich vegetable curry served with a crispy buttered roll .

  12. 采用双口网络理论,将正弦振荡电路化简成无源双口网络,且用双口网络参数来描述,并应用双口网络理论,对正弦振荡电路的起振条件和稳定性作定量分析。

    This paper adopts the theory of two port networks to simplify the sinusoidal oscillating circuit into no power two port networks and describes it with parameter of two port networks .

  13. 到星期五,它已经成了人们口中的唯一谈资。我还为福克斯写了一篇1500字的前瞻,后来不知湮没在局域网哪个角落,为此我很是懊恼了一阵。

    By Friday , that 's all anyone could talk about and I wrote a1500-word preview for FOX , which has , much to my chagrin , vanished somewhere into the Ethernet .

  14. 利用3个TTL集成块,将一个PC并行口扩展成3个I/O口,该电路结构简单、易于实现,配备相应的控制软件后可方便地应用于各种控制电路中。

    Using three TTL integrated circuits , we expand the single PC paralled port to three I / O ports . The circuit is simple and easy to realize . Fitted with controlled software , it is convenient to apply to each controlled circuit .

  15. 我们成立于1997年,并且发展成主要的进出口公司之一。

    We were founded in1997 and have grown to be one of the leading Imp.

  16. 另一位病人在噩梦中总被人追逐,他把追他的人想象成巧克力,一口吃掉。

    A young patient having nightmares of being chased turned the pursuer into chocolate and ate him .

  17. 大型平面交叉口是由城市次干路级以上的道路交叉而成,其交叉口布局已基本定型。

    The major flat intersection crossed by urban secondary road or higher , its layout has been stereotyped .

  18. 梅姨在出访非洲期间同南非一所学校的孩子们一同跳舞,然而由于动作太过僵硬而遭到了网友的恶搞,她成了英国网民口中的“梅机器人”(MAYBOT),今日,梅姨表示她对这些冷嘲热讽一笑置之的态度。

    Theresa May today laughed off mockery over her awkward ' Maybot ' dancing with schoolchildren during a visit to South Africa .

  19. 吴承恩一生都对志怪小说(比如作为《西游记》成书基础的口笔头民问故事)非常感兴趣。

    Throughout his life he displayed a marked interest in bizarre stories , such as the set of oral and written folktales that formed the basis of Xiyouji .