
  • 网络cost benefit ratio;cost-benefit ratio;Benefit cost ratio
  1. 结果表明,原料奶的出售价格、物质费用和饲养规模是影响原料奶生产成本收益率的主要因素,大城市郊区的原料奶生产成本收益率低于其它地区。

    It is found that the selling price of raw milk , material expense and the scale of feeding are the main factors affecting the cost-benefit ratio , and the ratio in rural areas is greater than that in the suburbs of big cities .

  2. 国际、国内运用成本收益率法和收入函数法计算,并对收益率的估算结果进行比较研究,从而提出了中国提高人力资本收益的对策。

    At last it brings forward the countermeasures of increasing the rates of investment returns by human capital in China .

  3. 调查发现:郑州市农民工平均每人1年获得的净收益为872.1元,成本收益率为15.6%,说明外出就业总体上有利可图。这同时也验证了农民绝非盲流,而是理性人;

    The research indicates that a migrant in Zhengzhou can gain 872.1 RMB of net income on average per year , with cost-gain rate being 15.6 percent .

  4. 经济性主要是从资金成本和收益率的角度出发,考虑了项目的现金流问题;

    Economic proceeds from fund cost and earning ratio , and considers the cash flow issues of project ;

  5. 在研究中主要选用单位净产值指标排定投资优先序,以成本纯收益率和每劳动日净产值指标排定优先序作为参考。

    Every Day Is A Gift He chooses unit net produce value to rank the priority order with the help of cost net income rate and per time net produce value .

  6. 在此基础上,本文进而探讨了导致当前我国个人教育成本&收益率现状的经济原因和深层制度原因,并提出相应的对策建议。

    On the basis , the paper then analyzes the reasons , which result to the present cost-income rate of Chinese rural education , and finally it proposes some corresponding countermeasures and suggestions .

  7. 低成本航空公司收益率实证分析

    The Quantitative Analysis about Profit of Low Cost Airlines

  8. 证券市场交易成本对投资者收益率的影响

    Effects of Transaction Cost on the Rate of Return of Investors in Chinese Security Market

  9. 所以企业投融资决策仅仅是资本成本、投资收益率的确定和比较。

    So the decision of investment and finance is just the compare of capital cost to the yield .

  10. 第四章主要论述了中国机构投资者的基本状况与股指期货套利策略选择,并对中国机构投资者股指期货套利策略效率进行实证,分析期现套利、跨期套利策略的成本效率和收益率。

    Chapter IV focuses on basic conditions of institutional investors in China , selection of stock index futures arbitrage strategy verify that efficiency and analyze Cost-efficiency and yields .

  11. 回答了如何确定和计算大学人力资本投资成本以及成本收益率、如何才能提高大学投资的效率和资源配置效益以及怎样构建和完善合理、公平的分担机制的问题。

    How could we improve the efficiency of university investment and resource distribution benefit ? Through what kind of way can we set up and improve a fair and rational cost-sharing system ?

  12. 本文提出一种新的稳健资产负债模型最优化模型。该模型考虑了利率的不确定性对未来现金流、资金成本和资产收益率的影响。

    In this paper we present a new robust asset and liability model , which considers the uncertain interest rate 's influence on future cash flows , capital cost and return of assets .

  13. 两家机构借贷成本相对于美国国债收益率的溢价不断上升。

    The agencies ' cost of borrowing moved to a growing premium over the Treasury rate .

  14. 据规模经济效应原理,开放式基金规模的增大,会带来成本的降低和收益率的提高。

    The theory of economies of scale shows that the increase of fund size will decrease cost and enhance returns .

  15. 实证研究表明,信用风险是存在的,且具有一定周期性;它与融资成本、企业债券收益率是相关的;

    Empirical studies revealed that credit risk in corporate bonds market is cyclical and is related to financing cost and yields of the bonds .

  16. 这种变化在信用违约掉期市场非常明显,针对违约行为的保险成本在政府债券收益率中已占到可观的比例。

    That change is visible in the credit-default-swap market , where the cost of insurance against default is now an appreciable proportion of government-bond yields .

  17. 当前分散、缺乏流动性和扭曲的欧元区债券市场,将被一个代表所有欧元区成员国资金成本的单一基准收益率曲线所代替。

    The current fragmented , illiquid and distorted eurozone bond market would be replaced by a single benchmark yield curve representing the cost of capital for all eurozone member states .

  18. 国际贸易融资作为一种成本较低、收益率高的有效融资方式,自然成为各行争夺的焦点。

    International trade financing takes one kind of cost to be low , the returns ratio high effective financing way , becomes the focal point which naturally each line competes .

  19. 对资本成本、净资产收益率、分红规则和剩余收益存续期对内净率的影响进行了模拟。

    According to the models , intrinsic value-book value ratio depends on the cost of capital , return on equity , policy of earnings distribution and time limit of residual income or lifetime of company .

  20. 在电子信息产业迅猛发展的今天,积层陶瓷电容产品竞争日益激烈,生产企业必须通过不断的质量改进来减少不良品,降低生产成本,提高产品收益率。

    Nowadays , with rapid development in electronic information industry , drastic competition in MLCC production happened , quality improvement must be done by manufacture enterprise by decreasing defect parts , cutting down the cost and increasing the profits .

  21. 第四部分以浙江省国家助学贷款的发放情况为研究对象,分别从四个角度来对成本和收益进行定量分析,得出各个利益主体的净收益率与成本收益率。

    The fourth part is to make the dissemination of NSL in Zhejiang Province as the subject , study the four parts ' costs and benefits in quantitative analysis method , come to the net ratio of return and cost for the four stakeholders .

  22. 本文拟从个人教育成本收益模型入手对我国农村教育中失学问题进行研究,个人教育的成本收益率是我国农村教育中失学问题的关键所在。

    This paper makes a research on the problem through a mode of cost-income of individual education , and then the paper draws a conclusion that the cost-income rate is the key of quitting school of Chinese rural education .