
  1. 弗蕾维亚则认为,裹上一层油的凤尾鱼做出的成品会没有那么咸。

    Flavia thinks that anchovies packed in oil make for a less salty dish .

  2. 然后,“生成式对抗网络”创作出的成品会被喷墨打印机绘制在画布上,并装框成画。

    GAN 's final image was then inkjet-printed on canvas and framed , according to Obvious .

  3. 与以往一样,地区内贸易大多以零部件为主,最后的成品会出口到西方国家。

    As before , much intra-regional trade comes in the form of components that make their way as finished goods to western consumers .

  4. 成品会成对地包在蜡纸筒里上桌,迄今依然是罗马犹太区在不二选的夏季开胃菜。

    Served in pairs , wrapped in cones of wax paper , they remain the summer appetizer of choice in Rome 's Jewish ghetto .

  5. 我们正在尝试更大胆的设计,或许完全改变品脱杯的形状,或许最终的成品会是一个截然不同的玻璃杯。

    We could do something more radical , by looking at the whole shape and substance of the pint & we could come up with something that is completely different to glass .

  6. 当你只在乎完美的成品时会怎样呢?

    What happens when you can only imagine the perfect final product ?

  7. 一种物质,尤其是化学成品,会爆炸或引爆者。

    Explosive : A substance , especially a prepared chemical , that explodes or causes explosion .

  8. 装订可是一门需要想象力和实验精神的活,成品也许会好得让你不敢相信呢。

    Bookbinding is a craft with some truly remarkable outcomes , where you can get really creative and experimental .

  9. 如果你在几周(至多一个月)没有成品,我们会问询你是否愿意开放这个主意让别人也能以此进行创作。

    We do ask that if you can 't get the article written within several weeks ( a month at most ) that you reopen the question to let someone else grab the idea .

  10. 石油价格将继续保持高位,成品油市场仍会保持相对强势。

    The oil price will remain at a high level , and the oil product market will keep its relative edge .

  11. 当国际原油价格高于每桶80美元,但低于130美元时,国内成品油价格也会进行调整,但中国炼油企业将不会盈利。

    Above $ 80 a barrel and up to $ 130 a barrel , domestic prices would also move , but Chinese refineries would not make a profit .

  12. 7月份食品价格通常会保持稳定。如果国际大宗商品价格继续下滑,本月成品油价格可能会再次下调。

    Food prices tend to be stable in July , and if international commodity prices continue to fall , another fuel price cut is possible during the month .