
  • 网络My Father And I;Me and My Dad
  1. 妈妈能找到我和爸爸需要的每一样东西。

    She can find everything that my father and I looking for .

  2. 我和爸爸春节吃了很多东西,长胖了。

    Spring my father and I atea lot of things , put on weight .

  3. 这样一来,每天放学后,我和爸爸就会为我去哪儿上大学而引发争吵。

    So every day after school , my dad and I had blown out fights about where I would go to college .

  4. 今天我和爸爸下了三盘棋,我都赢了,我很高兴!

    Today I won a chess game . I feel happy !

  5. 如果你们的确需要我和爸爸的帮助的话

    And if you ever need Dad or me to help you

  6. 约翰,是我和爸爸给你的。

    John , this is to you from me and dad .

  7. 这是我和爸爸在一起做的唯一最多的事情。

    that 's pretty much the only thing we did together .

  8. 我和爸爸早上醒来坐在窗口看风景。

    Sitting with Daddy by the window admiring the view .

  9. 我和爸爸乘火车到了北京。

    I arrived in Beijing with my father by train .

  10. 在礼貌方面我和爸爸有很多的共同点。

    I have a lot in common with my father in manners .

  11. 点击下载我和爸爸都有很好的视力,可是妈妈正相反。

    Father and I both have good eyesight , but mother doesn 't.

  12. 我和爸爸为此大笑了一场。

    Dad and I had a good laugh over it .

  13. 也许有天我和爸爸会互相联系。

    That maybe someday my dad and I would connect .

  14. 上周日,我和爸爸去钓鱼。

    Last Sunday , I went fishing with my father .

  15. 我和爸爸都到过这些城镇。

    Papa and I have been to all these towns .

  16. 你就这样把我和爸爸出卖了。

    You 're just gonna sell out Dad and me .

  17. 下大雪了,我和爸爸在院子里搭了一个大雪人!

    Daddy and I made a snowman in our yard !

  18. 人人都说我和爸爸长得一模一样。

    Everyone said that I looked exactly like my dad .

  19. 星期天,我和爸爸妈妈去参观了动物园。

    My father , My mother and I go to the zoo .

  20. 我和爸爸妈妈都很想他。

    My parents and I all Mi him very much .

  21. 我和爸爸们的关系一般,宝贝。

    I 'm not so good with dads , baby .

  22. 我和爸爸在这都很开心。

    Father and I are very happy to be here .

  23. 我和爸爸在海里游泳了。

    I swam in the sea with my father .

  24. 星期天我和爸爸去踢足球。

    We are going to play football on Sunday .

  25. 幸好图书馆馆长请我和爸爸到他办公室避避雨。

    Fortunately the librarian called me and my father came into his office .

  26. 我和爸爸今天下午打算去看场京剧。

    Dad and I are going to see a Beijing Opera show this afternoon .

  27. 我和爸爸开始了一次豪华盛大的旅行。

    Dad and I got the grand tour .

  28. 我和爸爸将睡在屋子中间的地上。

    Dad and I are going to sleep on the ground in the middle .

  29. 我和爸爸经常在周末一起做木工活打发时间。

    Carpentry was a way to spend time with my dad on the weekends .

  30. 汤姆斯出生一天后我和爸爸去了医院。

    When Thomas was one day old , we went to the hospital with Daddy .