
  • 网络I fell in love with;I Am in Love With
  1. 那你就不是我爱上的那个女人了。

    then you wouldn 't be the woman I fell in love with ...

  2. 但是一想到你是我爱上的最后一个人。

    But thinking you are my last love .

  3. 那才是我爱上的人

    That 's the guy Ifell for .

  4. 这才是我爱上的那个女孩

    I fell in love with

  5. 我爱上这里的这个女孩了。

    Right now I 'm in love with this girl overhere .

  6. 呃,就是我之前爱上的那个人。

    Um , that 's the guy I was seeing .

  7. 我已经爱上的男人。

    The man I 've come to love .

  8. 从一开始我爱上你的时候也许就不被允许。

    Forbidden as it may be , I have loved you from the start .

  9. 当我爱上你的时候,我就知道你是有家庭的。

    When I fell in love with you , I knew you came with a family .

  10. 如果我爱上你的笑容要怎麽收藏、要怎么去拥有?

    If I fall in love with you smile what to collect , how to have ?

  11. 当我爱上你的那一刻,我知道我很难离开你,忘记你。

    When I fall in love with you , I know it 's difficult to leave you and forget you .

  12. 好,你们是对的,我爱上了Joey的女朋友。

    Okay . You were right . I 'm in love with Joey 's girlfriend .

  13. 那是我第一个爱上的女孩。

    That was the first girl I fell in love with .

  14. 而且我爱上了更好的男孩。

    And I 'm in love with an even greater guy .

  15. 他是我不应该爱上的人。

    He was someone I wasn 't supposed to love .

  16. 你是我不该爱上的人。

    You are the person whom I shouldn 't love .

  17. 你摧毁了我爱上别的男人的可能。

    You have ruined me for other men .

  18. 经历过最初的文化震荡,我爱上了这里的生活。

    After the initial culture shock , I have come to love life here .

  19. 我觉得你爱上的是所有的这些表象而不是这个女孩

    I think you fell in love with the images , not the girl .

  20. 我不能爱上自己的病人。

    I cannot fall for a patient .

  21. 我简直爱上这里的一切。

    I 'm simply loving it here .

  22. 我便爱上你的滋味。

    I already love your flavor .

  23. 亲爱的朋友,扔红酒,我爱上了我的一个朋友,真心的,年轻的,刚刚结婚。

    Dear friend , throw the wine , I 'm in love with a friend of mine .

  24. 我爱上了我的一行行的豆子,虽然它们已经超出我的需要很多了。

    I came to love my rows , my beans , though so many more than I wanted .

  25. 小说讲述了一个凄美的爱情故事,我爱上了所有的出场人物(尤其是卢克)。

    What a beautifully written poignant love story and fell in love with all the characters ( especially Luke ) .

  26. 为什么每一次我爱上一个人的时候,受到伤害的却总是我自己?

    Why every I fall in love with the time of a person and be subjected to harmful of but always myself ?

  27. 席拉:这是我儿子新爱上的饮料。现在我们所要做的就是把它介绍给大众。

    Sheila : It 's my son 's new favorite drink . Now , all we need to do is introduce it to the public .

  28. 我爱上了天真的、没长大的女孩,我不能期望在短时间内把她变成一位聪慧、能干的女人。

    I had fallen in love with an innocent child-like girl , and I could not expect her to become a wise , experienced woman in such a short time .

  29. 我宁愿您爱上的是我的思想我的上进我的坚强我的呵护我的成熟我的深情我的平淡而有滋有味的追求,而后才是共同创造的物质保障。

    I prefer the reason you love me is that : my thinking , my hunger , my strength , my protection , my perfection , my affectionateness , my common and interesting pursuit .

  30. 友子,我就是那时爱上你的!

    Tomoko , that was when I fell in love with you !