
  1. 上半赛季我一直走背运。

    I had a lot of bad luck during the first half of this season

  2. 他陪我一直走到火车站。

    He walked with me as far as the railway station .

  3. 我一直走到大街上,总算安全了。

    I have been walking the streets , finally safe .

  4. 河流说沿着我一直走下去。

    The river say : go along with me .

  5. 我一直走到房门前,转了转门把手。门没动,是锁着的。

    I walked along to the door and turned the handle.The door didn 't move.It was locked .

  6. 我一直走,看见了一个教堂,我想牧师会知道什么人能给我一份工作。

    I went on . I saw a church . I thought the clergyman would know if anyone could give me work .

  7. 我一直走得两腿发软,躺下来,在某个地方死去,终于走到一个永恒的、享受安逸生活的环境,那里既无悲伤、亦无太息!

    And I shall go on till my legs give way under me and I lie down and die somewhere , and reach at last that quiet , eternal haven , where is neither sorrow nor sighing !

  8. 他表示:你从未走出这个医院,而这正是有趣的地方,它使我一直走下去。他指的是其商业信条得出结晶前的长期试错。

    " You never get out of this hospital , and that is what makes it fun and that 's what keeps me going ," he says , pointing to the long period of trial and error that preceded the crystallisation of his business credo .

  9. 我一直在走与别人不同的道路。

    I still see myself in a way nobody else does .

  10. 没问题,我会一直走小路。

    No problem , I 'll stick to the streets .

  11. 从三把扫帚出来以后,我就一直走在她后面。

    I was behind her all the way out of the Three Broomsticks .

  12. 我该一直走吗?

    Should I keep going straight ?

  13. 哇,这就意味着我必须一直走地面道路回家。

    Wow , that meant I might have to take surface streets all the way home .

  14. 我一直向前走,不要回头,却永远走不出你的暗影。

    I go straight ahead , don 't turn around , but never get out of your shadow .

  15. 选择了这条路,我就会一直走下去,决不在生活的十字路口徘徊。

    The road is chosen by me , I have to keep going and never hesitate in front of cross of life .

  16. 这么多年来,一直认为魔兽是好游戏,所以,以后我会一直走下去。

    Many years ago , I really that WarcarftIII is a good game . So , I will continue to play it .

  17. 穿越黑暗和那阴影,我会一直继续走下去。

    Through the darkness and shadow I will still go on .

  18. 我陪他一直走到台阶处。

    I conducted him as far as the steps .

  19. 我以前一直是走着去上学,现在我必须步行6个街区到公交车站,坐公交车去上学,然后坐车回来。

    I was used to walking to school , and now I had to walk six blocks to the bus stop so that I could take the bus to and from school .

  20. 我一直向东海岸走去。

    I made my way towards the east coast .

  21. 我想一直陪你走到你认为的最后。

    I want to accompany you until you think finally .

  22. 我想和你一直走到尽头。

    I 'll be with you till the end .

  23. 我可以陪你一直走到那座桥上,但绝不能再往前走了。

    I will go with you to the bridge , but not a step beyond .

  24. 所以这就是为什麽我会一直为爱走下去的原因。

    So I think that 's why I 'm going as long as it takes for love .

  25. 我一直在路上,走着以为是终点的方向。

    I have been on the road , having thought it was the end of the course .

  26. 你看,其实我一直都知道会走到现在这一步,只是现在他们在我身体里面,就像我已经和他们熟悉了一样。

    Look , I know , I know what I got myself into . It 's just that now that they 're in me it 's like , it 's like I know them y'know .

  27. 我很清楚唯一使我一直走下去的,就是我做的事情令我无比钟爱。

    I 'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did .

  28. 不要失去信心,我很清楚唯一使我一直走下去的,就是我做的事情令我无比钟爱。

    Don 't lose faith . I 'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did .

  29. 我告诉他们我一直沿着斜坡走,但却怎么也找不到顶楼,我觉得这有点诡异。我问他们为什么要问这个。

    I answered that I just kept following the ramps but I could never find the top , which I found weird , why do you ask ?

  30. 我是一个流氓,但我一直走的范圣。

    I 'm a Cowboys fan but I always go for the saints .