
  • 网络The Midnight Sun
  1. 而我却愿意用满怀的激情和集中的精力弥补我所缺少的天赋和能力,这也是我在两个星期之前所希望的,当我在挪威城特罗姆瑟下飞机,参加每年的午夜太阳马拉松时,能够帮助我通过的地方。

    But what I lack in grace and ability I more than make up for in enthusiasm and nervous energy , which is what I was hoping would pull me through as I stepped off the plane in the Norwegian city of Troms ø two weeks ago for their annual Midnight Sun Marathon .

  2. 你将会到达拥有午夜太阳的大陆。

    You will arrive at the land of the midnight sun .

  3. 基于Matlab的FY-4星载扫描辐射计午夜太阳入侵模拟

    Midnight Solar Intrusion Simulation of Imager in FY-4 Satellite Based on Matlab

  4. 计算结果与文献中GOES卫星的实测数据相近,表明该仿真模型可较准确地模拟午夜太阳入侵,所获数据准确。

    The simulation results were similar with the measured data of GOES satellite , which showed that the model could simulate the midnight solar intrusion . The simulation data was accurate .

  5. 午夜太阳,一剂魔方,在寒冬之夜清醒我们对光的渴望。

    Midnight Sun , an elixir of enchantment , crystallizes our desire for light in the heart of the cold winter nights .

  6. 镶嵌了丝缎般光滑的金粉色顶盖,午夜太阳的显赫光辉和深沉魔力旋即从烛台中缓散开来。

    Protected by a satin-smooth , pink gold top , the candle jar evokes the brilliance and the magic of the Midnight Sun .

  7. 游客们也可以呆在玻璃冰屋内观赏午夜的太阳和北极极光,或是乘坐狗或驯鹿拉的雪橇畅游一番。

    Tourists may also stay in glass igloos , from which they can see the midnight sun and the northern lights , and ride in dogsleds and reindeer sleighs .

  8. 芬兰,一个在午夜可以见到太阳的国家,除了常被人们想到的寒夜、桑拿浴与滑雪,还有更多风格独特的面貌。

    One of the lands of the midnight sun , Finland has much more to offer than the cold nights , saunas , and skiing it is often associated with .