
  • 网络The Queen of Lunchtime Cuisine;Lunch King;Lunch no Jo
  1. 《午餐的女王》具有明星般的吸引力,到场的每1500人都要支付400美元一张票去看她。

    The queen of South cuisine was a star attraction , each of the 1500 people at the event paid as mush as 400 dollars a ticket to see her .

  2. 必须遵循每上一道菜就要改变交谈对象的原则。一级方程式赛车冠军刘易斯·汉密尔顿(LewisHamilton)透露,有一次共进午餐时,女王给他上了一堂礼仪课。

    Formula One champion Lewis Hamilton revealed the Queen once gave him a lesson in the etiquette over lunch .