
  • My goddess;muse;Ah My Goddess;The Movie
  1. 我的女神也许会受惊,也许会脱缰,也许会彻底抛弃我!

    My muse may spook ! May bolt ! May abandon me completely !

  2. 音乐是我的女神。

    Music is my muse .

  3. 那么,我的女神,你为什么不打电话?

    Well , my goodness , why didn 't you telephone ?

  4. 我的女神,金星退行将带来最不适合整形手术的日子,但现在更糟,因为金星在白羊座。

    My goodness , Venus retrograde would be the worst time to schedule plastic surgery , but it would be even worse now , with Venus in Aries .

  5. 我的缪斯女神如果沉默了,她是情有可原的。

    My Muse may be excused if she is silent henceforth .

  6. 我漂亮的女神要带我们去吃饭了。

    My pretty goddess will take us out to dinner .

  7. 我估算的女神方位和太阳光的情况是正确的。

    Her position and sunshine I estimated was correct .

  8. 你一定是我的幸运女神,而且很有品位。

    You must be my lucky night . And with taste to boot .

  9. 有礼你一定是我的幸运女神,而且很有品位。

    You must be my lucky night . And with taste to boot . -

  10. 我心中的女神已经不在了,完美的形象也荡然无存。

    The goddess in my heart have not in , perfect image also have nothing left .

  11. 我的缪斯女神不是一匹马,我也并没有参加赛马比赛。即便她真的曾是匹马,我也不会把她系上这死囚车。那血腥的马车上携着砍下的头颅和璀璨的奖金。

    My muse is not a horse and I am in no horse race and if indeed she was , still I would not harness her to this tumbrel - this bloody cart of severed heads and glittering prizes .

  12. 妈妈品性善良,勤劳朴实,是我心目中的女神。

    Mother nature is good , hardworking , in my mind .

  13. 14.你是我梦中的女神。

    14.You are the queen of my dreams .

  14. 我最亲爱的女神!

    Oh my very goodness gracious !

  15. 你必须练习告诉自己你是漂亮的,告诉你自己,“我是漂亮的女神,我将要展现我的美丽,我相信自己是无与伦比的。”你确实是。

    It is practice in believing that you are beautiful , telling yourself , " I am a beautiful goddess and I 'm going to show up and believe that I am fantastic , believe that I 'm worth it . " And you are .

  16. 我是毁灭的黑暗女神!

    I am the Dark Goddess of Death !

  17. 我得谢谢我可爱的女神。

    I have to thank my lovely muse .

  18. 她是我的支柱,我的缪斯女神,我的灵感。我爱她,从始自终地爱她。

    Shes been my rock , my muse , my inspiration and I love her .

  19. 巴赫是我的精神,巴捷是我的女神。

    Bach is my consciousness , Bjork is my goddess .

  20. 尽管她很在乎我,我也将她称作我的女神。

    Yet she cared for me and I called her my muse .

  21. 我希望那么中意地做有我的女神的朋友您。

    I would like to make friends with my goddess you so desirably .

  22. 在我的梦中,你仍然是我的女神!

    You are my girl in my dream ! for ever !

  23. 这意味着,作为一个作家,我不仅可以穿着睡衣裤开始工作,还可以在苦于无创作灵感时请求我的女神回答我的祷告。

    This means that , as a writer , I not only get to work in my pajamas , I can also claim my own goddess who will answer my prayers in times of literary distress .