
  • 网络Kingdom;my kingdom
  1. 让我们离开这里去我的王国吧。

    Let us leave this palace and return to my kingdom .

  2. 在我的王国中有这幺一只鸟吗?

    Is there such a bird in my kingdom ?

  3. 在我的王国,我是女王。

    In my Kingdom , I am a queen .

  4. 谁竟然敢携械闯入我的王国?

    Who would be so bold as to come armed into my kingdom ?

  5. 他会后悔偷走了属于我的王国!

    He will rue the very day he stole my kingdom from me !

  6. 走进自由的天堂,父亲,让我的王国觉醒。

    Into that heaven of freedom , my Father , let my country awake .

  7. 我的王国必须生存下去

    Yes . The kingdom must survive .

  8. 那么我的王国就即将消亡了

    Then my kingdom is lost .

  9. 纯种者侵略我的王国的时候,我反抗了,他们觉得能利用我的本事,于是就抓了我的家人。

    When the Pure Ones our kingdom , I fought back . Now , they thought they could use that ... so they took my family .

  10. 如果你到这边来。整屋楼都是我们的,您目所能及的就是我的王国。

    Ah , if you want to come through here . See , we have the entire floor , so this is my kingdom , as far as the eye can see .

  11. 我的王国却是以整个世界为界限。因为我既不是意大利人也不是法国人,不是印度人也不是美国人,也不是什么西班牙人,我是一个宇宙人。

    My kingdom is bounded only by the world , for I am not an italian , or a frenchman , or a hindu , or an american , or a spaniard & I am a cosmopolite .

  12. 大家都说她比我伟大的王国中任何一件东西都还要好。

    They say that she is better than anything else in all my great kingdom .

  13. 如果陛下说,“什么是要做我的利润王国”?

    If your Majesty say , What is to be done to profit my kingdom ?

  14. 在我的自由王国里,我可以安静地坐上几个钟头,这就是在我在潜心读书的时候。

    In my freedom world , I will be seated for several hours that are when I am reading with great concentration .

  15. 这些给我和我的王国带来了许多欢乐。

    It has brought the kingdom and myself many pleasures .

  16. 他想窃取整个北境。我的半个王国。

    Who would steal the northern half of my kingdom .

  17. 云南是我国的花卉王国,是明清时期我国重要的花卉产区。

    Yunnan is the Flower Kingdom of China , an important flower producing area in the Ming and Cling dynasties .

  18. 我把所有的希腊王国联合到一起。

    I brought all the Greek kingdoms together .

  19. 我对我父亲的王国历史所知比我应知的少。

    I know less than I should of the history of my father 's kingdom .

  20. 我,王室,以及我的王国都对你有所亏欠。

    I , my family , and my kingdom are deeply indebted to you .

  21. 我完全沉迷在我自己的王国中。

    I cocooned in my own kingdom .

  22. 您的公正实在无人能及,我把我的王座和贝拿勒斯王国献给您!

    Truly , your justice is supreme . I offer my throne and the kingdom of Benares to you !

  23. 我现在就把我的一半王国给你,等我死后,整个王国都归你。

    Don 't leave me . I will give you half my kingdom for now , and after my death you shall receive the other half .

  24. 我不这么复杂是因为我的“王国”要小一些,但我们却源于同一个简单的基

    " I am not as sophisticated because my empire is smaller , yet we come from the same simple foundation . "

  25. 我把我的藏书看得比我的王国还珍贵。

    I prize my library above my kingdom .

  26. 我必须告诉你们,我的家乡,暴风王国,已经不存在了。

    I must tell you that my home , Stormwind , is no more .

  27. 他既敢于对我的决定作出质疑也英勇无畏地保护我的王国。

    For he was as fearless in questioning my judgement as he was in defending my kingdom .

  28. 我穿了这样的衣服,就可以看出我的王国里哪些人不称职;我就可以辨别出哪些人是聪明人,哪些人是傻子。

    If I were to be dressed in a suit made of this cloth I should be able to find out which men in my empire were unfit for their places , and I could distinguish the clever from the stupid .

  29. 对所有子民,我宣誓,从今以后,我将以智慧和勇气统治我的王国。

    To one and all , I pledge , from this day forward , to rule my kingdom with wisdom and valor .

  30. 如果我能够穿上这种布做成的衣服,我就能够找出我的王国里哪些人是不称职的,哪些人是愚蠢的。

    That must be wonderful cloth , if I dress in a suit made of this cloth , I can find out which men are unfit for their places or stupid .