
  1. 我车的一侧被墙刮了。

    I scraped the side of my car on the wall .

  2. 下去从我车里拿医药箱来。

    Go down and get the bag out of my car .

  3. 我车坏了,还没吃午饭。

    My car died and I 'm late for lunch .

  4. 我车里可有根铁棍。

    I got a tire iron in the truck .

  5. 你吐到我车上了。

    You passed out in my car .

  6. 那封信在我车上的挂包里。

    The letter is in my saddlebag .

  7. 如果我车非要今天抛锚,它不可能再有更好的方式了。

    If my car was meant to break down today , it couldn 't have been arranged in a more convenient fashion .

  8. 抱歉,我把车刮掉了一块漆。

    Sorry , I 've scraped some paint off the car .

  9. 我在车里放有一双供替换的鞋。

    I keep a change of shoes in the car .

  10. 我的车一加仑油能跑35英里。

    My car does 35 miles to the gallon .

  11. 我的车一加仑油能跑35英里。

    My car gets 35 miles to the gallon .

  12. 我把车倒到门前。

    I backed the car up to the door .

  13. 我的车在修理厂呢——这破玩意儿又坏了。

    My car 's at the shop ─ the son of a gun broke down again .

  14. 我把车开出来,驶向德韦格。

    I got out the car and drove over to Dervaig

  15. 我将车停在公路旁的一家乡村小酒馆前。

    I pulled off the road at a small village pub

  16. 我把车留在路侧停车带,徒步而行。

    I left my car in a lay-by and set off on foot .

  17. 我的车再有两天就该年检了。

    My car is due for its MOT in two days ' time .

  18. 看看我的车都成什么样子了!

    Look at the state of my car !

  19. “他坐我的车回家来的。”——“哦,是这样。”

    ' He came home in my car . ' — ' I see . '

  20. 他们威胁要拖走我的车。

    They threatened to tow away my car

  21. 我去取车的时候碰到了比尔,他咧着嘴会意地笑了笑。

    When I went to collect the car , Bill met me with a conspiratorial grin .

  22. “你有房吗?”——“没有,但我有车。”

    ' Do you own a house ? ' — ' No. But I have wheels . '

  23. 我的车买了两年了,我非常喜欢它卓越的操控性,安静舒适的驾车环境和平稳流畅的换挡操作。

    I had the car for two years and much enjoyed its excellent handling , quietness and silky gearchange .

  24. 我把车从车位开出来时,蹭到了前面那辆车的后保险杠。

    When I pulled out of the space , I nicked the rear bumper of the car in front of me

  25. 常常有狐狸穿越车前方的马路,我借助车头灯正好看见。

    Often a fox goes across the road in front of me and I just catch it in the headlights .

  26. 树倒了,把我的车压坏了。

    The tree fell and crushed my car .

  27. 哪个笨蛋把车紧挨着我的车停下,把我困在里面出不来了。

    Some fool parked his car too close to mine and boxed me in .

  28. 如果你保证明天一定还回来,我的车可以借给你。

    You can borrow my car if you promise to bring it back tomorrow .

  29. 自从装上了新的引擎后,我的车跑得快极了。

    My car goes like a bomb since I put that new engine in it .

  30. 我的车可以停放在哪里?

    Where can I park my car ?