
  1. 对战国文化区域性的初步探讨

    A Primary Study on the Regional Culture of the Warring states

  2. 战国文化的多元与散文风格的初建

    The Multi culture and Foundation of Prose Style of the Warring States Period

  3. 春秋战国文化传播与编辑出版

    Cultural Transmission in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period and Editing and Publishing Books

  4. 大致说来,战国文化可以分为四个区域:(一)三晋文化区。含韩赵魏及中原一部。

    Generally speaking , the culture in warring states can be devided into four regions : Three Jin culture region ;

  5. 简论春秋战国文化的时代特色

    A brief discussion on the epochal characteristics of the culture of The Spring and Autumn period and The Period of Warring States

  6. 春秋战国时期文化繁荣的历史反思

    Historical Reflections on Cultural Prosperity of the Period of Spring and Autumn and Warring States

  7. 《离骚》的比兴来源于南楚巫文化艺术和战国士文化,《离骚》之文,依《诗》取兴说不能成立;

    The cultural background of Li Shao originated from the witch culture of south Chu and bachelor culture of the warring state , So we can 't say Li Shao learned from the Book of Songs .

  8. 春秋战国时期的文化转型

    Culture turning during the period of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States

  9. 笔者认为,战国时期区域文化的形成有其地理和民族方面的原因。

    The author thinks there are geography and nation reason about the regional culture in warring states .

  10. 战国神仙方士文化本与鬼神无涉,它是如何成为孕育早期道教的文化要素呢?这就要我们注意秦汉神仙方士文化发生的第一个转变&神学化。

    What is the bridge between the culture of supernatural being and alchemist in the Warring states and early Taoism ?

  11. 王道与霸道之争,是战国儒家政治文化的一个焦点。

    The confrontation of Wangdao ( rule by benevolence ) and Badao ( rule by force ) was a focus of Confucian political culture in the period of the Warring States .

  12. 词的特点体现出的文化现象主要有以下几点:一、楚简文字字形具有鲜明的地域特点这一特点,从侧面反映出战国时楚国文化的地域性和独特性。

    The cultural phenomenon of Chu region reflected by the characteristics of the word include four points : First , the uniqueness of the font reflects the uniqueness of chu culture .

  13. 屈原处在中间物的历史文化地位上,面对着战国时期中原文化和楚文化的激烈冲突与交流,对两种文化进行了双重的整合与扬弃。

    Qu-yuan , in the historic culture state of intermediate object , facing the heat conflict and communication of Central Culture and Chu Culture in the Warring States Period , did dual integration and abdication of the two cultures .

  14. 中国东北地区夏至战国时期的考古学文化研究

    Study on Archeology Culture of Xia Dynasty to Warring States in Northeast Region of China

  15. 春秋、战国是中国早期文化大发展并形成初步体系和规模的时期。

    The Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period witnessed a strong momentum of growth of the Chinese culture .

  16. 战国时期是汉文化初步形成之前,我民族文化发展的一个极其重要的阶段。

    Before the formation of Han culture , our national culture had a rapid development in the period of warring states .

  17. 夷汉之间&从考古材料看贵州战国秦汉时代的文化格局

    Between Yi and Han & The Cultural Patterns Based on Archaeological Materials from the Warring States to Han Dynasty in Guizhou

  18. 论我国古代适用设计思想的形成&兼谈春秋战国时期的设计文化

    On the Formation of Ancient Applicable Ideas of Design & The Design Culture of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods

  19. 本文试图借助比较文化学的理论,利用先秦典籍文献及考古资料,对该问题进行一次粗浅的研究,以期廓清战国时期我民族文化的地缘分野。

    Using the documents of pre-qin and archaeological materials , the author try to study the problem briefly , by the theory of compared culture .

  20. 楚国在春秋时代已大量吸收中原文化,到了战国时代,楚文化已成为中华文化的一个重要组成部分。

    In this article , the writer believes that by the Period of the Warring States , the culture of Chu already formed an essential part of the Chinese Culture .

  21. 从战国中后期中原文化的地域特征、屈原时代的齐楚文化交流活动,以及屈原等人所受齐文化的影响诸方面着手,可具体描述这一事实。

    The fact can be described through the district characteristics , the culture communion between Chu and Qi , and the influence of the culture of Qi on Qu Yuan .

  22. 通过对纪南城水门建筑的复原研究可以使我们了解当时该地区的营造技术,作为探讨春秋战国时期楚地区文化的形成、发展的论据。

    Through Jinan town gate restoration , we can know the building technology . We can know the formation of local culture and develop arguments of the Spring and Autumn Period .

  23. 汉水女神不仅出现在《诗经》、《楚辞》文化系统之中,也存在于春秋、战国以来的祭祀文化系统之中。

    They are not only appearing in the culture systems of the Book of Odes and Chu Poems , but also in fete culture systems since Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period .

  24. 中国文化的根不在春秋战国时期的中国文化,而在于更早的中国社会和中国文化,其根本标志物则是中华民族最早的几个政治帝王:尧、舜、禹。

    The origin of Chinese culture is not from the Spring and Autumn Period , but from earlier Chinese society and culture . Its basic sign is the earliest political emperors : Rao , Xun and Yu .