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  • war drum;battle drum
战鼓 [zhàn gǔ]
  • [war drum] 古代作战时为鼓舞士气或指挥战斗而击的鼓

战鼓[zhàn gǔ]
  1. 战鼓敲响了。

    The war drum is beating .

  2. 雨点打在窗户上,就像是战鼓雷鸣,万马奔腾。

    The raindrop dozen seem war drum thunder Ming on the window and ten thousand horses dash about .

  3. 灯塔里有一支军笛和一个战鼓。

    There were a fife and a drum in the lighthouse .

  4. 战鼓掩饰了心跳声,我就大喊大叫乱喳喳,从心底发出的呐喊。

    War drums black-out the beating heart , howling from inside .

  5. 我们听到了一片战备声&那激昂的战鼓

    We hear the sound of preparation-the music of boisterous drums

  6. 战鼓正在鸣;鸣鼓迎敌。

    The kettle was singing ; the bullet sang past his ear .

  7. 比最深沉的战鼓声,更令敌人胆战心惊

    are more frightening to the enemy than the deepest battle drums .

  8. 她抓起军笛,把战鼓交给十六岁的妹妹阿比盖尔。

    She grabbed the fife and handed the drum to her16-year old sister Abigail .

  9. 战鼓一响,法律无声;战争是残酷的。

    Where drums beat , laws are silent .

  10. 海湾银行擂响改革战鼓

    Banking Reform in the Persian Gulf

  11. 战鼓发出前进的命令,身穿红外套的英国士兵向前推进,高地人被击败后退。

    The drums sounded the advance , the redcoats moved forward , the clans were beaten back .

  12. 一会儿,当战鼓擂起进攻号时,下面二十人就奔进街垒。

    Presently , when the drum beats the assault , let the twenty below stairs rush to the barricade .

  13. 警钟响了,战鼓响了,人潮在新的海岸上发着狂,大声地咆哮着。攻击开始了。

    Alarm-bells ringing , drums beating , the sea raging and thundering on its new beach , the attack begun .

  14. 夜幕降临之际,伴随着战鼓,他们将稻草人沿着城墙往下吊。

    That night the dummies were lowered over the city walls by ropes , accompanied to the beat of war drums .

  15. 半夜里突然战鼓鸣,传令准备战斗。我们听到了一片战备声&那激昂的战鼓

    In the middle of the night the drums suddenly beat to arms . We hear the sound of preparation-the music of boisterous drums

  16. 又一阵号角吹响,战鼓雷鸣了,父亲庄严地托起一个箭囊,其中插着一只箭。

    Also a horn sounded , the thunderous drums of war , my father solemnly hold a quiver , in which a flying arrow .

  17. 他们能听到战鼓声、号角声、南方起义者呼叫声,他们能看见脚上打了泡的士兵扛着破碎的旗子在雨中行进。

    They were hearing drums and bugles and the rebel yell , seeing footsore men going by in the rain with torn flags slanting .

  18. 石家庄现存的三支战鼓队是其中的代表,对于当地文化的发展具有重要的作用和启示价值。

    Shijiazhuang existing three drums team is one of the representatives of the local culture , plays an important role in the development and enlightenment .

  19. “我想这场音乐会是今日中国的写照,焕发朝气的文明古国正擂响战鼓,阔步前进。”一位外交官感慨地说。

    " I think the concert features today 's China , an ancient but energetic country beating out strong steps forward ," hailed a diplomat .

  20. 一刹那,大地无声,江河顿流,只留下天地间心脏霍霍的跳动声,恍如战鼓!

    Moment , all was quiet , Kingston rivers flow , leaving only heaven and earth beating heart rattling sound , like a war drum !

  21. 战鼓形态与建鼓相似,是击鼓使进的指挥乐器,为了适应战争的瞬息万变,其形体比建鼓小巧。

    The Zhan drum resembling the Jian drum , which was a kind of musical instrument for commanding , and its body was smaller than Jian drum .

  22. 女性的教育,那伴随着阿富汗战鼓的小提琴的普世性比起不受性压迫的权利,一点也不低吗?

    Is female education , the violin that accompanied the drum beats of war in Afghanistan , no less universal a right than freedom from sexual terrorism ?

  23. 他们兵分两路,一路拿着战鼓躲在营地后面,一路手执弓箭刀枪埋伏在营地两旁。

    Ten of them hid behind the camp with drums , while the others lay in ambush with weapons at either side in front of the camp .

  24. 所以他建造了一家电影院,里面有印度地毯,像战鼓形状的灯具,装饰着雷鸟和万字饰的墙壁。

    So he built a movie house filled with Indian rugs , light fixtures shaped like war drums , and walls decorated with Thunderbirds and backward swastikas .

  25. 我尽力但徒然地倾听,渴望听到军号吹奏起床那微弱而迷人的旋律,以及远处战鼓急促敲击的动人节奏。

    I listen vainly , but with thirsty ears , for the witching melody of faint bugles blowing reveille , of far drums beating the long roll .

  26. 我心是战鼓,日夜兼程地高举人间的公义,在宁静的泰然中,坚贞地扬励不朽的诗魂。

    My heart is a battle drum , resolutely encourage the immortal soul of poetry in quiet calmness , holding high the human justice ceaselessly day and night .

  27. 战鼓起源于古代战场,伴随其发展的战鼓乐也深深扎根在中华民族这片古老的大地上。

    War drum originated in ancient battlefield , along with the development of the war drum also deeply rooted in the Chinese nation of the ancient on the earth .

  28. 苏区美术具有其鲜明的政治倾向性与强烈的革命功利性,在革命斗争中起到了战鼓和号角的作用。

    The fine arts in Red Region possess his bright political tendentiousness and strong revolution utility , and have acted as the " battle drum and horn " in the revolution struggle .

  29. 当年我看过的话剧“赤道战鼓”、“椰林怒火”、“非洲风云”深深地留在了我的记忆之中。

    The plays about Africa I watched back then are still vivid in my memory , such as the Battle Drum at the Equator , the Wrath of the Coconut Trees and the Storm of Africa .

  30. 国外对于战鼓乐上没有研究,国内对于战鼓乐的研究也只处于介绍阶段,没有较为深入的研究性的文章,只有一些地方县志、刊物有零星的记载。

    Abroad for " war drum " no study , home for the war drum research is also at the introduction stage , no more in-depth research articles , only some local county annals , publications are scattered records .