
cháng jiǔ
  • for long;for a long time;permanently
长久 [cháng jiǔ]
  • [for long; permanently;for a long time] 时间延续很长

  • 不是长久之计

长久[cháng jiǔ]
  1. 我觉得我们长久以来,把车开往了错误的方向,在幼儿园教学长达15年的卡洛琳·皮洛(CarolynPillow)说。

    I feel like we have been driving the car in the wrong direction for a long time , said Carolyn Pillow , who has taught kindergarten for 15 years and attended a training session here on the new curriculum last month .

  2. 烟味长久附着不散。

    The smell of smoke clings for a long time .

  3. 我们经过长久慎重的考虑之后才决定搬家。

    We thought long and hard before deciding to move house .

  4. 我们大家祝愿你的退休生活长久而幸福。

    We all wish you a long and happy retirement .

  5. 这恰好证实了我长久以来所说的。

    This just proves what I have been saying for some time .

  6. 这种训练不会有长久的效果。

    The training was of no lasting value .

  7. 我不愿这么说,但我觉得他们的婚姻不会长久。

    I hate to say it , but I don 't think their marriage will last .

  8. 1984年,AC汽车公司与赫洛克家族长久以来的关系破裂了。

    In 1984 the long link between AC Cars and the Hurlock family was severed

  9. 国际象棋长久以来被认为是智慧的体现。

    Chess has long been regarded as a measure of intellect .

  10. 我们有过一段长久、愉快、双方都获益良多的关系。

    We had a long , happy , fruitful relationship

  11. 他们代表了一个残暴的非法政权,这样的政权是不可能长久的。

    They represented a ruthless and illegitimate regime that could not remain forever .

  12. 这暴露了以长久的环境破坏为代价换取短期工业利益的错误。

    It exposes the fallacy of short-term industrial gain at long-term environmental expense .

  13. 我觉得很明显该乐队长久不了。

    It became blatantly obvious to me that the band wasn 't going to last

  14. 彼得深邃的目光长久地注视着他。

    Peter gave him a long deep look .

  15. 尽情享受吧,因为这不会长久。

    Enjoy it because it won 't last .

  16. 长久以来,这些银行一直在与美国运通公司的信用卡以及各式各样的商场赊购卡竞争。

    The banks have long competed with American Express 's charge cards and various store cards

  17. 长久以来他见过很多世面,学了很多技术。

    He 's been around a long time and has acquired a number of skills .

  18. 我们不相信联合国能够将一个长久的项目执行到底。

    We don 't have the confidence that the UN will carry through a sustained program

  19. 密特朗总统昨天到达河内,以期结束长久以来殖民战争和冷战造成的敌意。

    President Mitterrand arrived in Hanoi yesterday to bury old colonial and cold war enmities .

  20. 这些论据或许是用来作为一种修辞手段来论证联合国将发挥长久的作用。

    These arguments may have been used as a rhetorical device to argue for a perpetuation of a United Nations role .

  21. 如果你吃有益健康的食品,就会活得更长久。

    You will have a longer life if you eat healthful food .

  22. 这不需要很长久(时间)。

    It will not take long .

  23. 我们没有水无法在沙漠中坚持长久。

    We can 't endure much longer in this desert without water .

  24. 比赛的胜负是暂时的,而友谊是长久的。

    The results of contests are transient , but friendship is lasting .

  25. 她犯的错误太多了,那工作她干不长久了。

    She has made so many mistakes her days must be numbered in that job .

  26. 现在,技术已经成为成年人和他们追求自由的孩子之间的长久斗争的新领域。

    Now technology has become the new field for the age-old battle between adults and their freedom-seeking kids .

  27. 帕劳成为一个独立的国家只有20年,但在保护环境方面己有长久的历史。

    Palau has only been an independent nation for twenty years and has a strong history of environmental protection .

  28. 民用航空正遭受冲击,不是因为人们长久以来的对速度、浪漫主义和魅力的渴望,而是应对气候变化已迫在眉睫。

    Civilian aviation is being disrupted , not by the age-old desires for speed , romanticism and glamour , but by the pressing need to respond to a changing climate .

  29. 长久以来,一般研究都认为完成一项任务时自言自语有助于孩子的学习,当你明显已经成年时还这样做则不是有才华的表现。

    Common research has long held that talking themselves through a task helps children learn , although doing so when you 've apparently matured is not a great sign of brilliance .

  30. 拥有某些性格特征会让人活得更长久吗?

    Do some kinds of personalities lead to longer lives ?