
  • 网络strategic logic
  1. 顾客价值、战略逻辑创新与企业核心竞争力

    Customer Value , Strategic Logic Innovation and Core Competence of Firms

  2. 美光科技和清华紫光结盟可能具有一定的战略逻辑。

    A tie-up between Micron and Unigroup could have some strategic logic .

  3. 艺术市场营销的战略逻辑&整合客户价值和艺术目标

    A STRATEGIC LOGIC FOR ARTS MARKETING & Integrating Customer Value and Artistic Objectives

  4. 之后介绍了客户价值创造的动态特征和战略逻辑。

    Then the dynamic character and the strategy logic of customer value creation are introduced .

  5. 因此,在知识经济时代,传统的战略逻辑已不能满足企业可持续发展的要求。

    So the traditional strategy does not fit for the demand of the contiguous development of firm .

  6. 而顾客价值战略逻辑正是以提供给顾客优异的价值为最终目标的。

    The goal of the strategy of value innovation is just the supply of excellent customer value .

  7. 然而,塞恩回忆道,随着他和刘易斯交谈的继续,整体出售背后的战略逻辑变得清晰起来。

    Yet Thain recalls that as he and Lewis talked , the strategic logic behind a full deal became apparent .

  8. 本文从顾客价值创新的角度,在反思传统战略逻辑的基础上,提出了新的战略思维方式。

    The paper analyzes traditional strategy thought logic and gives new ways of strategy thought based the of customer valuation innovation .

  9. 在这个框架下就战略逻辑形式的基本维度对战略管理理论的逻辑内容进行分析。

    In this framework , the logical content of the strategic management theory can be analyzed according the basic dimensions of the strategic logic form . 3 .

  10. 只有深思成长战略逻辑,关注产业演变趋势,管理自身动态创新,才有可能实现企业协调成长的最终目标。

    Only when studying the logic of growth strategy , paying attention to the development of industry , managing the dynamic innovation , the firms can realize the final goals of good growth .

  11. 许多投资者认同该交易的战略逻辑:使保诚成为快速增长的亚洲市场中规模最大的外国保险商,以及中国以外最大的寿险商。

    Many investors accept the strategic rationale for the deal , which would make the Pru by far the biggest foreign insurer in the fast-growing Asian markets and the largest life assurer outside of China .

  12. 随着科技的发展、顾客需求的改变,传统的以产品为中心的竞争战略逻辑正在发生改变,因而,新时代迫切需要新的竞争战略理论来指导企业的实践活动。

    Following the technology development and changes in customer needs , the traditional product oriented competition strategy logic has changed . The new era is in urgent need of new competition strategies to direct the businesses of enterprises .

  13. 本部分从战略逻辑的角度阐述了顾客价值创新的重要性,并对我国企业在顾客价值创新方面的逻辑构建和战略实施作了深入分析。

    From the angle of strategic logic , this part explains the importance of customer value innovation . Furthermore , I make a deep analysis with logic construct and strategic implementation to the enterprises in our country respect of customer value .

  14. 第一东方表示,将依然坚持联系海湾地区与远东的战略逻辑,以此在全球经济进入衰退之际缔造增长。总部位于香港的第一东方是一家直接投资公司。

    First Eastern , a Hong Kong-based direct investment company , says it remains committed to the strategic logic of linking the Gulf with the Far East as a means of forging growth as the global economy goes into a slump .

  15. 结果,从总部视角到子公司视角的转换在经营战略逻辑、资源配置格局以及考核、协调和控制子公司方面产生新的挑战。

    As a result , in the area of the logic of overseas operational strategy , resources deployment as well as evaluating , coordinating and controlling overseas subsidiaries , there are new challenges brought about by the transition of the angle of view from headquarters to subsidiaries .

  16. 渐进发展:可持续发展战略的逻辑基础

    Evolving development : a logical ground for sustainable development

  17. 相关多元化战略的逻辑演进

    The Logical Revolution of the Related Diversification

  18. 本文在对具有典型性的中国电冰箱产业、中国彩电产业发展与战略演进逻辑进行实证研究的基础上,提出SCP&TI内生性战略范式模型。

    At first , the thesis makes two typical demonstrations of the evolutional development and strategic logic of Chinese refrigerator industry and TV industry .

  19. 作者力图通过对国际机制与国际战略之间逻辑关系的论述,确立分析中国国际战略选择的一个基本理论框架;

    The author establishes a theoretical and analytical framework for China 's international strategic choices by examining the logical relationships between international mechanisms and international strategies .

  20. 采用目标集聚战略的逻辑依据是企业能比竞争对手更有效地为其狭隘的顾客群体服务。

    The logic foundation of using Target Concentration Strategy is that enterprises can provide services for their narrow group of customers more effectively than their competitors .

  21. 从行业实际出发,从行业特点出发,是制定文化体制改革发展战略的逻辑出发点。

    The logical starting point to work out the strategy for reform development of cultural system is to start from the reality and the characteristics of the trades .

  22. 由此引发对西部大开发战略的逻辑起点、已有战略构建的定位、理论创新、思维创新、区位把握的瓶颈制约、综合开发战略的结构创新等问题的思考。

    Thus it initiates a series of reflections on logical starting point , strategic location , theoretical creation , thinking creation , restraints , and structural creation of the synthetical exploitation strategy .

  23. 进化机制、突变机制两种机制是研究竞争性产业发展和企业战略演进逻辑的两个重要机制和出发点。

    There 's two important mechanism and springboard for the research of competitive industry development and firm evolutional strategic logic . They are " evolution mechanism " and " mutation mechanism " .

  24. 按照体验经济时代和消费者行为这两个外生变量来确定企业的品牌战略的逻辑,本文从结构上分为六章。

    According to the logic that the two external variable experience economic era and consumer behaviour are both the decisive factors of the making policy of enterprise 's brand strategy , this text is divided into six chapters from the structure .

  25. 基于优势资源创建竞争优势,以“优势资源核心专长核心竞争能力”三个主体因素的战略三角逻辑关系为理论依据,构思创建竞争优势的基本构架。

    This paper puts out the view of nurturing competitive advantages basing on advantageous resources , then discusses the strategic triangle logical relations of three main factors : " advantageous resources the core speciality the core competitive competence ", and forms a basic frame which constructs competitive advantages .

  26. 房地产企业开发差异化战略的经济学逻辑分析

    Analysis of Economic Logics in Differentiation Strategy for Real Estate Enterprises

  27. 不确定环境下企业战略变革主导逻辑新范式

    Framework of Dominant Logic Analysis for Business Strategic Transformation under Uncertainty Environment

  28. 成本控制战略之演进逻辑:基于产品寿命周期的视角

    The Evolution of Cost Control Strategy : A Viewpoint Based on Life-Cycle Costing

  29. 略论企业战略的内在逻辑与本质特征

    On inherent logic and essential characteristics of corporation strategy

  30. 从多元化到成本领先:基本战略演进的逻辑&交易费用、风险、时间变量及合约选择的一种解说

    From Pluralization to Cost Leading : the Logic of the Evolution of Basic Strategy