
  1. 但是,与战略集团理论一样,资源论也没有完全得到实证研究的支持。

    But , similar to the theory of strategic groups , resource-based view also can not get enough support of empirical researches .

  2. 近年来,战略集团理论的研究得到了极大的发展,研究成果丰富了产业组织理论和战略管理理论。

    Recently , researches of strategic group theory have been greatly developed , and research achievements have enriched the theories of industrial organization and strategic management .

  3. 战略集团理论认为,不同的战略集团因为执行不同的战略,它们所面临的竞争环境是不一样的,因此,不同的战略集团应该具有不同的业绩。

    The theory of strategic groups thinks that different strategic groups obey different strategies , and then they face different competition environments , so , different strategic groups should have different performances .

  4. 战略集团理论将对企业业绩差异的研究延伸到了产业内部,在一定程度上能够解释同一产业内部的企业间业绩差异。

    Because strategic groups extend the studying on the variance of firm performance to the inner of industry , it can to some extent explain the variance of performances among firms in the same industry .

  5. 另外,战略集团理论以战略集团为研究单位,缺乏对战略集团内部企业间业绩差异的研究。

    Moreover , the theory of strategic groups takes strategic groups as the basic unit to study , so , it is lack of the study on the variance of performances among firms in the same strategic groups .