
  • 网络darren;Dylan;Daeron;Dalen
  1. 这个票房成绩令维亚康姆(ViacomInc.)旗下派拉蒙电影公司(ParamountPictures)松了口气。最近几周,戴伦・艾洛诺夫斯基(DarrenAronofsky)执导的这部关于《创世纪》中方舟故事的电影让派拉蒙饱受批评。

    The results are a relief for Paramount Pictures , the Viacom Inc. - owned studio that has weathered significant criticism in recent weeks over director Darren Aronofsky 's telling of the Genesis ark story .

  2. 戴伦,在这城市里我不觉得安全。

    Darren , I don 't feel safe in this city .

  3. 戴伦的前女友请他吃饭。

    Darrin 's ex-girlfriend has invited you both over for dinner .

  4. 戴伦:当然是你的事。

    DARREN : Of course it 's your business .

  5. 呃,不是你的分数,是戴伦的分数。

    Well , it 's not you , jack , it 's darrin .

  6. 戴伦:三天那样过,真的是活得很乏味。

    DARREN : Spending three days like that is a kind of vegetable life .

  7. 拍卖师戴伦•朱利安称该手套为顶级收藏家物品。

    The glove was hailed as the ultimate collector 's item by auctioneer Darren Julien .

  8. 戴伦:这个星期六贝蒂和我要去品酒。

    DARREN : Well , this weekend Betty and I are going to a wine tasting on Saturday .

  9. 朵莉:戴伦上星期带我去看过了,我觉得有点恶心。

    Dolly : darren took me to it last week . I thought it was a little sick .

  10. 白人至上主义者戴伦•鲁夫在一个历史悠久的黑人教堂开枪射击,试图引发一场种族战争。

    White supremacist Dylann Roof begins shooting in a historic black church , attempting to spark a race-war .

  11. 戴伦本特被换上,并有一次进球的机会,但比赛很快就结束了,四面都是嘘声。

    Darren Bent went on and had one half chance , but the game was soon over and the booing started .

  12. 我追踪我的血统直至第一位丹妮莉丝,贤王戴伦姐妹的坦格利安公主,多恩亲王的妻子。

    I can trace my lineage back to the first Daenerys , the Targaryen princess who was sister to King Daeron the Good and wife to the Prince of Dorne .

  13. 该调查由朴次茅斯大学心理学系和附属公司QoWL的伊斯顿和戴伦•范•拉尔共同开展,调查并未探究人们的工作热情为何会发生变化,也没有解释为何男性和女性对于工作的态度存在差异。

    The research carried out by Easton and Darren Van Laar , of the University of Portsmouth 's psychology department and company QoWL , did not look into why there were changes in enthusiasm or explain the differences between the attitudes of men and women .

  14. 所以,在这里今天我们的制作人戴伦要戴上隐藏式摄影机向几个计程车司机询问看他们怎么揽客。

    So ... today our producer Darren here is going to be geared up with a hidden camera , and he is going to try and talk to some of these taxi drivers and , uh , you know , see how it all works .