
fén yíng
  • tomb;grave
坟茔 [fén yíng]
  • (1) [tomb]∶坟地

  • (2) [grave]∶坟墓

坟茔[fén yíng]
  1. 大地只能提供给我一座坟茔。

    The earth can yield me but a common grave .

  2. 光荣的途径只是引向坟茔。

    The paths of glory lead but to the grave .

  3. 鲜花在石棺材里开放得格外繁茂,蓬乱错综,仿佛嘲笑它们从中冒出的坟茔。

    The flowers grew in the sarcophagi with a wild exuberance , wantoning , it seemed , in mockery of the tomb whence they sprang .

  4. 得知一座坟茔是祖先的墓地,他禁不住放声大哭。

    When he was told that the tombs were his ancestors ' , he couldn 't help weeping .

  5. 你将是茫茫坟茔的拱圆。

    Will be the dome of a vast sepulchre .

  6. 梅里达有时会去探望那座没有墓碑的坟茔。

    Melida sometimes travels to visit the unmarked grave .

  7. 对面山上的一座座坟茔。

    The graves of men on an opposing hill .

  8. 在大海边那座坟茔里。

    In her sepulchre there by the sea .

  9. 在大海边那座坟茔里,

    In her sepulcher there by the sea

  10. 坟茔中的死鬼,脸色铁青。

    Death grew pale within the grave .

  11. 而露珠将遗落在我们的坟茔

    The dew will settle on our grave

  12. 在海边那座坟茔里,在大海边她的墓穴里。

    In the sepulchre there by the sea , In her tomb by the sounding sea .

  13. 在母亲的坟茔前,我理解小弟为什么哭得那般绝望。

    In front of mother 's grave , I knew why my youngest brother cried hopelessly .

  14. 祭祀权物化为三个方面:牌位、宗族祠堂、坟茔。

    Sacrificing right is materialized to three aspects , including memorial tablet , ancestral temple of clansman , and tomb .

  15. 耶稣一下船,就有一个被污鬼附着的人从坟茔里出来迎着他。

    2When Jesus got out of the boat , a man with an evil spirit came from the tombs to meet him .

  16. 这个人许久不穿衣服,不住房子,只住在坟茔里。

    For a long time this man had not worn clothes or lived in a house , but had lived in the tombs .

  17. 后来便以他的坟茔为核心,扩展成王家教堂的那一片累累墓群的古老墓地。

    And round about his grave , which subsequently became the nucleus of all the congregated sepulchres in the old churchyard of King 's Chapel .

  18. 望着母亲坟茔上的荒草,我忧伤地想,在这个世界里,我真的失去母亲了。

    Looking at the wild grasses on mother 's graveyard , I sorrowfully thought that , in this world , I really had already lost mother .

  19. 他昼夜常在坟茔里和山中喊叫,又用石头砍自己。

    And always , night and day , he was in the mountains , and in the tombs , crying , and cutting himself with stones .

  20. 奥立弗偷偷走进那片古老的教堂墓地,在一个长满青草的坟茔上坐下来,无声地为她哭泣,祈祷。

    Oliver crept away to the old churchyard , and sitting down on one of the green mounds , wept and prayed for her , in silence .

  21. 一般而论,柏,杉木,杨柳不应该被种植这里,因为柏和杉木被种植在法坛和寺庙或人的坟茔前面;

    Generally speaking , cypress , pine , willow shouldn 't be planted here , because cypress and pines are planted in front of altar and temple or people 's tombs ;

  22. 在布伦特和斯图尔特的坟茔之间有一块石碑,上面刻的是:“活着时他们是可爱而愉快的,而且至死也没有分离。”

    Between the graves of Brent and Stuart was a stone which read : " they were lovely and pleasant in their lives , and in their death they were not divided . "

  23. 她们身在地下,像是井底,又像是深不可测的坟茔&然而这地方已经极深极深,却还在沉落下去。

    They were down in some subterranean place the bottom of a well , for instance , or a very deep grave but it was a place which , already far below him , was itself moving downwards .

  24. 耶稣既渡到那边去、来到加大拉人的地方、就有两个被鬼附的人、从坟茔里出来迎著他、极其凶猛、甚至没有人能从那条路上经过。

    And when he was come to the other side into the country of the Gergesenes , there met him two possessed with devils , coming out of the tombs , exceeding fierce , so that no man might pass by that way .

  25. 他想起了那位娇小优雅的小舞蹈演员,自己大概再也见不到她了,他耳边响起了那首歌的歌词——再见,勇士!永远坚定,一路漂向你的坟茔。

    He thought of the elegant little dancer whom he should never see again , and the words of the song sounded in his ears - - " Farewell , warrior ! ever brave , Drifting onward to thy grave . " 8 .

  26. 牌位、宗族祠堂、坟茔从古至今,既深深地影响了我国的传统文化,传统文化又吸收了祭祀活动中的各种行为的观念,又反过来影响祭祀活动。

    Memorial tablet , ancestral temple of clansman , and tomb have made great influence on the traditional culture in our country in all ages . Meanwhile , traditional culture absorbed the idea of various behaviors in the sacrificing activities , so that it also had impact on sacrificing activities .