
gōng shùn
  • respectful and submissive;be respectful and submissive
恭顺 [gōng shùn]
  • [be respectful and submissive] 恭敬并服从(父母或长辈)

  • 他们长大一些之后,陪同我去挖荠菜,似乎就变成了对我的一种迁就了,正像那些因为上了年纪而变得有点怪僻的长辈一样。--《挖荠菜》

恭顺[gōng shùn]
  1. “你说得对,是我错了。”他恭顺地说。

    ' You 're right and I was wrong , ' he said submissively .

  2. 她绝对善良,脾气也好到了极点;温柔、谦和、恭顺一贯爱说真话

    She was excellently , imperturbably good ; affectionate , docile , obedient , and much addicted to speaking the truth .

  3. 或许,致《泰晤士报》(TheTimes)信件中那种老式的落款比较合适:“先生,我是您诚实、恭顺的仆人”。

    Perhaps the old sign-off for letters to The Times may be apposite : " I am , Sir , your honourable and obedient servant . "

  4. 你今天倒非常恭顺,监狱长说。

    " You are very humble to-day ," remarked the governor ;

  5. 她以近于恭顺的感激之情承受着他对她不断的关心。

    His constant attentions she received with an almost humble gratitude .

  6. 他对领导极其恭顺。

    He treats his leaders with the utmost respect and submission .

  7. 请原谅,阿丽思很恭顺地说。

    " I beg your pardon ," said Alice very humbly .

  8. 要青年对老年恭顺,现在是过时了。

    It was out of date for Youth to defer to Age .

  9. 他谦卑、恭顺,满怀自我贬斥与压抑。

    He was humble and meek , filled with self-disparagement and abasement .

  10. 大学的学生都很规矩恭顺。

    The students at the college are passive and respectful .

  11. 但他也承认,中国本土培养的科学家过于恭顺。

    But he concedes that locally trained scientists can be too deferential .

  12. 一个衣衫褴的恭顺的男人说,是个孩子。

    Said a ragged and submissive man , ' it is a child . '

  13. 他恭顺地服从长官的命令。

    He dutifully followed his commander 's instructions .

  14. 四十年以前,媒体大体上对政党还是恭顺的。

    Forty years ago political parties could still count on a mostly deferential media .

  15. 有的人在他们自己人中间穷凶极恶,此刻却像孩子般恭顺。

    Some , who were most violent among themselves now appeared as submissive as children .

  16. 金融服务管理局表示,瑞士信贷的交易员受到过于恭顺的对待。

    The FSA said traders at Credit Suisse had been treated with too much deference .

  17. 她变得谦让恭顺,唯命是从。

    She has become submissive and subservient .

  18. 或者,既然你认识他,就写:先生,我仍是您诚实、恭顺的仆人。

    Or , as you know him : I remain , Sir , your honourable and obedient servant .

  19. 她恭顺地站在那儿,那神态真象是一个未来忠于职守的贤慧妻子。

    She stood there submissively , the image , in advance , of a dutiful and responsible wife .

  20. 她使自己在这个强壮的男人面前显得更谦卑,低下和恭顺。

    She wanted to abase herself before the strong man , to be low and humble before him .

  21. 晚饭后和法尔单独在一起时,他一面恭顺地呷着彼得酒,一面回答这位新发现的姊夫的亲密表示。

    Alone with Val after dinner , he sipped port deferentially and answered the advances of his new-found brother-in-law .

  22. 事后舜毫不嫉恨,仍对父亲恭顺,对弟弟慈爱。

    Afterwards , Shun didn 't resent and was still humble to his father and loved his younger brother .

  23. 唐朝有一个大臣李义府,表面对人温和恭顺,跟人谈话总是面带微笑。

    In the Tang Dynasty , there was a minister called Li Yifu who was always affable and smiling .

  24. 或者,既然你认识他,就写:“先生,我仍是您诚实、恭顺的仆人”。

    Or , as you know him : " I remain , Sir , your honourable and obedient servant . "

  25. “尤赖亚,我亲爱的孩子,”他母亲痛哭道,“告诉他们你是多么卑谦恭顺!

    ' Uriah , my dear boy , 'cried his mother , sobbing bitterly , 'tell them how humble you are !

  26. 提交这个词和它所代表的概念,和软件应该扮演的恭顺角色相反。

    The very word submit and the concept it stands for are a reversal of the deferential relationship we should expect out of interactive products .

  27. 马吕斯当了律师以后,写了一封信,把这消息通知他外祖父,措词是冷冰冰的,但也全是恭顺的话。

    When Marius became a lawyer , he informed his grandfather of the fact in a letter which was cold but full of submission and respect .

  28. 比如,在研究中美国人说他们认为典型的美国人是过分自信的,而加拿大人说他们认为典型的加拿大人是谦恭顺从的。

    For example , the Americans in the study said they believed the typical American was assertive , and Canadians said they believed the typical Canadian was submissive .

  29. 不过,她可以非常恭顺地说话,如果你说,“你好”,她一定会回复,“在,主人,我能为你做什么呢?”

    She does , however , speak super subserviently . The prompt , " Hello , " elicits the reply , " Yes my lord . What can I do for you ? "

  30. 1.谦卑的,谦虚的,谦恭的,恭顺的2.(等级、身份、重要性等)低下的;

    n. Marked by meekness or modesty in behavior , attitude , or spirit ; not arrogant or prideful . Showing deferential or submissive respect Low in rank , quality , or station ;