
  • 网络In the yard
  1. 男孩们在院子里踢球。

    The boys were kicking a ball around in the yard .

  2. 猪在院子里哼哼地叫个不停。

    Pigs were grunting and squealing in the yard .

  3. 她看着孩子们在院子里玩。

    She watched the kids playing in the yard .

  4. 一个女人的尖笑声在院子里回荡。

    A woman 's shrill laughter reverberated in the courtyard .

  5. 明亮的月光洒在院子里。

    The moon cast a bright light over the yard

  6. 我看到他站在院子里。

    I saw him standing in the yard .

  7. 星期天他们在院子里进行烧烤。

    They had a barbecue on their patio on sunday .

  8. 他刚吃完晚饭,在院子里绕弯儿。

    He 's just had his supper and is taking a stroll in the courtyard .

  9. 为了解决这个问题,他们决定自己在院子里凿一口井。

    To solve the trouble they had a well sunk in their courtyard .

  10. 答:这取决于多少人站在院子里(注:yard码;院子)

    Answer : It depends on how many people stand in the yard .

  11. 但如果你用电脑将音频输送到家里另外的音箱上&比如说在院子里或客厅里的音响,那才是最能体现Remote功能的。

    But it 's most useful when you use a PC to deliver audio to additional speakers around a home & say , a pair on the patio and in the living room .

  12. 可能是Stella叼走埋在院子里了。

    Maybe Stella took your wig and buried it in the yard .

  13. 视频中,Herman坐在院子里,在他面前是Himalaya。

    The video shows the little boy sitting on a patio in front of Himalaya .

  14. 幸好那时是夏天,我们拿了几床毯子和几个枕头,垫在院子里,直到Cynthia的爸爸回来,我们都一直坐在外面讨论刚才发生的事情。

    Since thankfully it was summer , we took some blankets and some pillows for cushioning out onto the patio and sat out there discussing the experience we 'd just had until her dad came home .

  15. 至于城外的餐厅,可以尝试madaba的haratjdoudna(电话:+96253248650),你可以在院子里或屋顶露台上吃东西。

    For an out-of-town restaurant try harat jdoudna in Madaba ( Tel : + 962 5324 8650 ) , where you can eat in the courtyard or on the roof terraces .

  16. 在院子里有很多孩子在玩耍。

    There are a lot of kids playing in the yard .

  17. 我的奶奶在院子里养了许多小鸡。

    My grandma feeds a lot of chickens in her yard .

  18. 小红和小林一道在院子里玩。

    Xiao Hong is playing with Xiao Lin in the courtyard .

  19. 我听到你在院子里不断驱赶那些不速之客。

    I heard you interfering little bastards rummage around my yard .

  20. 牦牛丫丫在院子里玩溜溜球。

    Yy : Ya-ya the yak plays yo-yo in the yard .

  21. 他就是那个死在院子里的人。

    That 's the guy that was dumped at the house .

  22. 傍晚时分,我在院子里与曼宁会合。

    I meet Manning in the courtyard in the late afternoon .

  23. 我提心吊胆地走在院子里,觉得像个窃贼。

    I felt like a burglar , skulking in the yard .

  24. 他喜欢同他们在院子里瞎闹。

    He loved to horse around with them in the compound .

  25. 时值夏日,明娜在院子里玩。

    It was summer and Minna was playing in the yard .

  26. 有天早上,南茜在院子里搜出来一枚鸡蛋。

    One morning , Nancy spied an egg on the patio .

  27. 我打算在院子里挖一口渗井。

    I intend to dig a seepage pit in the courtyard .

  28. 孩子们在院子里忙着堆雪人。

    Children are busy heaping up snowmen in the yard .

  29. 面包师拥抱了他,然后就消失在院子里的人群中了。

    The baker embraced him before disappearing into the garden .

  30. 我们用书在院子里烤肉。

    We 'll have us a little book barbecue in the yard .