
zài xiào shēnɡ
  • Students at school;student enrollment
  1. 数据显示,2020年,全国共有民办学校18.67万所,占全国各级各类学校总数的比例超过1/3;在校生5564余万人,占比接近1/5。

    China has 186700 private schools as of 2020 , accounting .

  2. 截至今年10月,我国已有30多个慕课平台,上线慕课数量超过3.4万门,学习人数达5.4亿人次,在校生获得慕课学分人数1.5亿人次。

    By October , the country had more than 30 MOOC platforms and 34000 such courses . A total of 540 million people had participated in massive online open courses , and 150 million university students had received credits through them .

  3. 中东学校(EasternMiddleSchool)提供6至8年级的教育,约有780名在校生。

    Eastern Middle School , with about 780 students , serves Grades 6 through 8 .

  4. 将ERP引入高校实验教学课程,在高校在校生中培养ERP高级人才,是解决社会上ERP人才匮乏的一个很好途径。

    It is a good approach to solve this problem to introduce ERP training into experimental teaching in higher schools , so as to train the advanced ERP talents .

  5. 本研究采用实验设计和问卷调查的方法,使用整体商店价格形象评价与购买意愿的问卷,研究对象为220位大学在校生和MBA。

    Based on the experimental design and survey methods , we use the overall store image and purchase intention questionnaire designed for 196 college students .

  6. 比如,2015-2016学年,卡内基梅隆大学在线MBA学费为4.5万美元,而全日制在校生的学费则为6万美元。

    Tuition fees for CMU 's online MBA , for example , are $ 45000 in 2015-16 , while full-time campus students will pay $ 60000 .

  7. •DormRoomFund(首轮资本公司):经过费城试点后,首轮资本拨出了50万美元,拟投资于费城地区一些大学的在校生或新近毕业生。

    • dorm room Fund ( first round capital ) : piloted in Philadelphia , first round has allocated $ 500k to be invested in current students or recent grads from Philadelphia-based universities .

  8. 最近在一项按照标准PISA度量的测试项目中,中国上海15周岁在校生在数学和阅读素养方面名列全球第一。

    Shanghai's15-year-old students were recently ranked first globally in math and reading as per the standardized PISA metric .

  9. 并把分学科在校生与人均GDP的关联度作为灰色线性规划的贡献率灰数,优化出各学科在校生的结构。

    Using the correlation between number of university ( students ) in each subject and average GDP as the contribution rate of grey linear programming , the subject ( structure ) is optimized .

  10. 上周末,知名风险投资人、前Facebook高管卡马斯•帕里哈毕提亚在一次会议主题演讲中对哈佛商学院在校生传递了这样的信息。

    That was the message imparted top current HBS students at a conference keynote this past weekend by chamath palihapitiya , a current venture capitalist and former Facebook ( FB ) executive .

  11. YONG的《网络成瘾问卷》、《社会支持问卷》对浙江3所中职学校237名在校生进行团体调查。

    YONG 's " Internet addiction disorder questionary " and " social support questionary " to test 237 students from the three middle vocational schooles of Zhejiang provine .

  12. 自2009年以来,共有1891名佛蒙特大学在校生指定了自己偏好的代词,其中有14人选择了“ze”,10人选择了“they”,还有另外228人选择了仅用名字称呼。

    Since 2009 , 1891 University of Vermont students have specified a preferred pronoun , with 14 opting for " ze , " 10 for " they " and another 228 for name only .

  13. 我们随机整群抽取新生及二年级在校生224人,进行焦虑评定量表(SAS)测试,试图分析中医大学生焦虑状态是否与年级、性别、成绩等相关,并初步分析引起中医大学生焦虑的主要原因。

    In this investigation , 224 freshmen and sophomores were chosen randomly for the SAS test , in an attempt to analyze the correlation of anxiety to grade , gender and performance in study and to work out the main reasons for anxiety of college students .

  14. Unigo网站上最有趣的内容要数视频,观者可以借助视频看到这些学校的在校生和校园,而这在一般的大学指南中通常并未涵盖。

    The videos are the most interesting part of Unigo , because they provide a look at current students and at the campus that isn 't often captured in standard guides .

  15. 现有全日制在校生24500人,其中水科生148U0人.研究生370U人,留学生111人;

    Now the total number of registered students is 24 500 . Among them 14 800 are undergraduates , 3 700 postgraduates , 111 overseas students and 5 900 parttime students .

  16. 土木工程专业在校生能力培养要求分析

    Capacity cultivation demand for the students majoring in civil engineering

  17. 这个学校只招收女生。女在校生比例占47.3%。

    Girl students accounted for 47.3 percent of total primary school enrollment .

  18. 假如您是个名大在校生,名叫李华。

    Supposed you are a university student called Li Hua .

  19. 毕业生相对于在校生对学习收获的感知更为清晰。

    Awareness of gains among graduates is clearer than students in school .

  20. 在校生不用去借贷款。

    Undergraduates will not be expected to take out loans .

  21. 高等院校在校生发生人身伤害的责任分析

    Responsibility analysis on personal injury of students in Higher Institution

  22. 亚裔及太平洋岛屿裔学生占在校生的47%;

    Asians and Pacific Islanders comprise 47 percent of the student body ;

  23. 2000年,78%的大学在校生都用上了信用卡。

    In2000,78 percent of college undergraduates had credit cards .

  24. 他们看起来就跟在校生一样,可他们已不再是学生了。

    They live and look like enrolled students , but they aren ` t.

  25. 伤害主体只能是高校的在校生。

    Subject can only be hurt in college students .

  26. 影响在校生应对方式因素的情境研究

    An Enviromental Study on the Factors Which Influence Coping Methods of Students at School

  27. 荥阳市农村初中在校生辍学问题与对策的研究

    Research on the problem and countermeasure of country students leaving school of Xingyang City

  28. 特殊教育招生5.3万人,在校生37.1万人。

    There were 371,000 students in special education schools , with 53,000 new entrants .

  29. 并且建立了各行业与分学科在校生人数之间的最优回归模型。

    Establish the optimum regression model between the various sectors and the school discipline .

  30. 方法对181名中医本科在校生进行了问卷调查。

    Methods : 181 students of Chinese medicine specialty were given a questionnaire test .