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zài cháo
  • hold office at court
在朝 [zài cháo]
  • [hold office at court] 指在朝廷中做官

在朝[zài cháo]
  1. 有些孩子在朝窗户扔石头。

    Some kids were throwing stones at the window .

  2. 他们在朝墙那边扔石头。

    They were lobbing stones over the wall .

  3. 他相信会谈仍在朝正确的方向发展。

    He believes the talks are still on track .

  4. 用微笑和幽默打破紧张,以强化这样一种观点:这是友好的对话,所有人都在朝着共同的目标努力。

    Break the tension with smiles and humor to reinforce the idea that this is friendly discourse and that all are working toward a common goal .

  5. 他知道自己如今的人生在朝着何处发展。

    He knew the path his life was now taking .

  6. 那个男孩突然发现自己在朝着动物园的方向走(findoneselfdoing)。

    That boy suddenly found himself walking in the direction of the zoo .

  7. 2009年,美国前总统比尔•克林顿(billclinton)曾访问平壤,那次访问曾令两名被羁押在朝的美国记者成功获释。

    In 2009 , a visit to Pyongyang by former president Bill Clinton secured the release of two detained US journalists .

  8. 目前,PHS的数据业务在朝着高速、可靠的方向不断发展。

    At present , PHS data service trends towards higher speed and higher reliability .

  9. 随着车载电子仪表的发展,其用的步进电机的控制技术也在朝着MCU和步进电机驱动集成方向的发展。

    With the development of the vehicle carries the electronic instrument , the microcontrollers with integrated stepper motor drive circuits is development direction .

  10. 但由于欧盟(eu)多年来一直在朝错误的方向蹒跚而行,因此我们早就该在某方面与之划清界限,而且我们曾经有过这样的机会。

    But as the European Union has been lurching for years in the wrong direction , a line had to be drawn somewhere and this is where the opportunity arose .

  11. 自从我选择了BEC,我就觉得很多事情在朝着一个好的方向转变。

    Ever since I decided to take BEC , everything began to change , and in a good way .

  12. 至少在理论上,中国允许市场发挥更大作用,已经在朝着可能有利于它加入TPP的方面前进。

    At least theoretically , China is already moving in a direction that might be conducive to that aim by allowing a greater role for market forces .

  13. 在通信的本质正在发生演变之际(不仅在朝voip和即时通讯演变,还在朝社交网络和微博演变),准确界定谁与谁形成竞争是个难题。

    When the nature of communications is morphing and not just into voice-over-ip and instant messaging , but also social networking and tweeting deciding exactly what is competing with what becomes a challenge .

  14. PLAYBACK的设想是成为人们最受欢迎的T恤衫和夹克的品牌,从我们开创以来,我们一直在朝着这个目标努力。

    What I envision for PLAYBACK is to become every person 's favorite T-shirt and hoodie brand and with the steps we 've taken thus far I think we 're on our way .

  15. 无疑很多东西都在朝着积极的一面发展。

    Certainly a lot of things have developed toward the positive .

  16. 唧唧只是希望自己在朝着正确的方向前进。

    Haw just hoped he was heading in the right direction .

  17. 收到,巨蝮蛇我们在朝你的方向赶。

    Roger that , bushmaster . we 're headed your way .

  18. 所有因素都在朝着同一个方向努力。

    All the forces are working in the same direction .

  19. 叠化在朝派和稀释容量有的莫比尔分阶段前进。

    Dissolve in and dilute to volume with Mobile Phase .

  20. 最近的两项研究在朝这些问题解决上迈出了重要步骤。

    Two recent studies have made important steps towards resolving these problems .

  21. 扩大后的欧盟一直在朝着错误的方向前进。

    The enlarged EU has moved in a perverse direction .

  22. 大家都在朝时装的方向前进。

    It 's all moving in a very couture direction .

  23. 在朝汉机器翻译上出现转换的难点

    Analysis of Transfer Complexities in Korean and Chinese Machine Translation

  24. 他抬头看见尼诺·瓦伦蒂在朝下对他微笑。

    He looked up and saw Nino Valenti smiling down at him .

  25. 基于判例的隐私法也在朝相同的方向迈进。

    Judge-made privacy law is moving in the same direction .

  26. 我们可以清楚地发现这是在朝左边凝视

    we can see really well that this is a left gaze .

  27. 你觉得他在朝那个方向发展?

    And you think he 's headed in that direction ?

  28. 把狗弄远点,它在朝孩子们吠呢。

    Hold off the dog , it 's barking at the kids .

  29. 她在朝哪个方向前进;我们被带领朝大山前进。

    Where is she heading ; We were headed for the mountains .

  30. 他们在野而不在朝。

    They are in opposition and not in office .