
  • 网络In that distant place;Faraway Place;In That Place Wholly Faraway;Somewhere Far Away
  1. 目前,什么才是公司最佳的增长策略?任何一位CEO的回答肯定都是“在那遥远的地方”。

    Ask just about any CEO about the best growth strategy , and you 'll hear about faraway places .

  2. 在那遥远的地方有一幢红房子。

    There 's a Red House over yonder .

  3. 新疆,在那遥远的地方

    Xinjiang in That Remote Place

  4. 《在那遥远的地方》是翻唱了新疆的民歌,里面还用到了蒙古族的喉音唱法“呼麦”,又是一个很有新意的尝试。

    " Zai Na Yao Yuan De Di Fang " is a remake of a Xinjiang folk song and in the song there is the Mongolian throat-singing technique " hoomei ," a new attempt .

  5. 在那遥远没有空气的地方,不发生这种现象。

    Out where there is no air , this phenomenon does not take place .