
  1. 在这个家庭里有许多争吵。

    There are many discords in this family .

  2. 在这个家庭里他是个作家,是个要人。

    He was the writer of the family , the personality .

  3. 在这个家庭里,还有人也一样不幸。

    There are others in this family who are similarly unhappy .

  4. 在这个家庭里,除了听别人之外还能怎样。

    It 's hard to do anything but listen in this family .

  5. 你在这个家庭里越来越重要。

    Getting a little heavy up on the family .

  6. 在这个家庭里我们是应该互相掐架

    Now , in this family , do we kick and punch each other ,

  7. 从小生在这个家庭里,是守着药罐子长大的,皮毛知道一点。

    Although I grew up in the traditional Chinese medicine family , I actually know very little about it due to lacking of interest .

  8. 这种精神,感动着在这个大家庭里的每个人,甚至是整个世界。

    The spirits moved everyone in this family even the world .

  9. 这意味着在这个大家庭里六个大人首先考虑的是孩子在学习上的表现。

    This means that the child 's educational performance has been a top priority for six adults .

  10. 所以,我们能找出谁被包围或包含在这个家庭灵魂里。

    So , we can find out who is encompassed by and included within this family soul .

  11. 在这个大家庭里有您记忆中的老太爷、老奶奶;

    In this family , there are grandfather , grandmother , parents , sisters and brothers in your memory .

  12. 相互尊重将会让每一位会员在这个网路的家庭里享有快乐的时间。

    Mutual respect will give every member an enjoyable time at his / her online home .

  13. 在惠外这个大家庭里,我们快乐地学习,健康地成长。

    In Huizhou Foreign Language School , this big family , we are learning happily and growing healthily .

  14. 觉新在这一房里是长子,在这个大家庭里又是长房的长孙。这对孙小姐是老实话,不好辩驳,而旁人听来,只觉得鸿渐在客气。

    In the large Kao family , he was the eldest son of an eldest son ; Miss Sun knew this to be true , while to the others it just sounded as though he was being polite .

  15. 在那一天,不管我们来自何方、信仰什么宗教、属于什么种族,我们都被紧紧联系在了美国这个大家庭里。

    On that day , no matter where we came from , what God we prayed to , or what race or ethnicity we were , we were united as one American family .