
  • 网络Building Construction;Building Architecture;architecture
  1. 通过对《房屋建筑学》课程设计各主要环节的问题分析,对学生在设计中存在的问题分析,提出做好《房屋建筑学》课程设计的措施。

    Through the analysis of the problems in the main steps of the design course Building Construction and the analysis of the concrete problems students have in design , ways of teaching the design course Building Construction well is brought out in this article .

  2. 为此,论述了在《房屋建筑学》课程设计中所进行的改革与实践。

    Building Architecture is a comprehensive course dealing with the theories and methods on architectural space combination and building construction .

  3. 运用AUTOCAD辅助《房屋建筑学》课程设计浅析10T锅炉房屋(土建)

    Analysis of the Usage of Auto CAD in the Course Design of House Architecture ; 10t boiler room ( civil construction )

  4. 与时俱进,深化房屋建筑学教学改革

    Progress with each day , deepen teaching reform of housing archictecture

  5. 土木工程专业《房屋建筑学》课程的教学改革探析

    Exploration of teaching reform on building architecture course of civil engineering specialty

  6. 房屋建筑学课程教学内容与方法的探讨

    Teaching Reform in Content and Method of House Architecture Course

  7. 房屋建筑学课程设计教学新模式的探讨

    Discussing the teaching model on building architecture curricula design

  8. 房屋建筑学是建筑工程专业中一门重要的专业基础课。

    House architecture is an important professional basic course in construction work speciality .

  9. 高职高专房屋建筑学教学过程中的体会与思考

    Experience and thinking in the teaching process of higher vocational education building architecture

  10. 房屋建筑学课程设计中融入工程伦理教育的探索

    Innovation of Integrating the Education of Engineering Ethics into Building Architecture Curricula Design

  11. 浅谈高职高专《房屋建筑学》课程教学改革

    The teaching reform of House Architecture in vocational colleges

  12. 《房屋建筑学》课程体系教学改革的探讨

    Discussion about the Reform of Architecture Course System

  13. 谈《村镇房屋建筑学》的教学方法

    The Teaching Method of Book Countryside Buildings Architecture

  14. 房屋建筑学是土木工程专业技术基础课程之一,它是一门实践性很强的专业学科。

    Architecture have practical discipline in foundation courses of civil engineering of professional and technical .

  15. 以课题为中心的房屋建筑学课程教学模式研究

    Topic-centered Teaching Pattern in Building Architecture Course

  16. 房屋建筑学课程设计

    Course Design of House Architecture

  17. 如何让学生通过《房屋建筑学》课程设计,使他们的各方面能力得到培养和锻炼,一直是值得思考的课题。

    We have been researching on how to cultivate and train our students capability through curricula design of Housing Architecture .

  18. 本文在大量阅读国内外文献和对成都几所开设有土木工程专业的学校进行调研的基础上,对房屋建筑学教学现状及存在不足的问题进行分析。

    Read a lot of literature , research Chengdu several civil engineering schools , teaching status and analysis of architectural problems .

  19. 《房屋建筑学》课程设计是相关专业学生在低年级时初次进行的建筑设计,存在着设计质量达不到预期效果的普遍现象。

    Housing architecture curricula design is the first architectural design for correlative speciality students and it seems that design work cant achieve prospective effect .

  20. 任何一种教学形式都有其负面因素,《房屋建筑学》课程教学已无法只遵循传统的板书教学。

    Every teaching form has its own negative aspect , so the teaching of Building Architecture course can not just follow the traditional writing-on-blackboard teaching method any longer .

  21. 建筑制图是工业与民用建筑专业的技术基础课,房屋建筑学是工业与民用建筑专业的专业课。

    Architectural drafting is the technique foundation course of civil engineering ( building construction ) and building construction is the professional course of civil engineering ( building construction ) .

  22. 对房屋建筑学课程体系的课堂教学、课程设计、认识实习等教学环节在新世纪人才培养方面提出了新的观点,并进行了改革尝试,以适应21世纪社会发展的需求。

    A new view is put forward on classroom teaching , course design , understanding practice and so on , and a reform attempt is made to adapt to the developmental requirement of 21 century .

  23. 本文通过对专科房屋建筑工程专业《房屋建筑学》体系的深入研究,提出了对课程任务与内容的认识,阐述了课程教材内容重构的思路与具体实践。

    The article raise the new vision of the task and content of the course by making a thorough study on the subject of housing architecture and illustrate the thought of reorganization of the teaching material and concrete practice .