
  • 网络Ownership Advantage
  1. 在此背景下,本文依托《加入WTO后中国工业企业开拓国际市场的成功因素研究》课题,从企业自身内部所有权优势与东道国区位优势两方面探索中国工业企业国际市场进入方式选择的问题。

    Under this background , this text investigates the problem that the Chinese industrial business enterprise how to choose the way into the international market , based on the both side of their internal ownership advantage and location advantage .

  2. 跨国公司开展国(境)外RD的机理是:所有权优势、人才的区位禀赋以及技术与市场界面的拟合优度。

    The mechanism for the transnational corporations to conduct the RD is the P ownership advantage , the advantage of the regional talents gift and the technology and market combination .

  3. 对Vernon的生产周期理论进行了新的解释,立足消费者需求与企业优势的结合,动态地研究了企业所有权优势与东道国区位优势对跨国公司投资行为的影响。

    Demand of consumers and advantages of enterprises are jointly analyzed , further the impacts of ownership advantages of firms and location advantages of host countries on the foreign investment are studied dynamically .

  4. 分析范式认为只有当一个企业具备所有权优势、内部化优化和区位优势的时候,才能进行国际化发展,而利用SWOT分析模型,则可以用来指导企业具体国际化战略的制定。

    The analysis paradigm thinks that only when an enterprise has ownership advantages , internalization advantages and location advantages , the enterprise will carry out international development . And SWOT Analysis Model can be used to guide the enterprise to constitute specific international strategy .

  5. 外资企业的治理结构、所有权优势及控制权分布;

    The govern structure , control power distribution between all precipitants in a FIE ;

  6. 2跨国公司实现所有权优势的内部化,必须建立与其全球战略相适应的内部组织结构,组织结构是内部化优势的基础和决定因素。

    The prerequisite of using ownership advantages internally is to establish internal organizational framework suitable to its global strategy .

  7. 资本扩张以所有权优势对差异性地理空间再辖域化,表现为经济空间扩张。

    By virtue of the ownership advantage , capital expansion re-territorializes diversified geographical space , registering as an expansion of economic space .

  8. 在国际合资企业中,当母公司间发生分歧时,其中一家母公司会利用特权,例如所有权优势,来制定方案。

    In IJVs , one of the parent firms could use their power such as ownership advantage in decision-making when disagreements between parents occur .

  9. 在我国很多行业,外资凭借其技术、资金和所有权优势,已经确立了其优势竞争地位。

    In many business sectors in our country , foreign investment has established its favorable competitive position based on its technology , investment and ownership advantages .

  10. 该理论认为所有权优势和内部化优势只是企业对外直接投资的必要条件,而区位优势是对外直接投资的充分条件。

    This theory thinks that the ownership and internalization is only the essential condition of foreign direct investment , while the Area Advantage is the ample one .

  11. 深入分析我国企业从事境外投资的所有权优势和功能定位,构思我国企业境外投资的系统推进战略,具有重要的现实意义。

    It has a significant meaning to analyze the ownership advantage and functional orientation and to project the systematic pushing strategy for China 's enterprises performing investment abroad .

  12. 本文在邓宁的折衷范式下阐述了我国商业银行进行对外直接投资所具有的所有权优势、区位优势和内部化优势。

    This article analyzes China 's commercial banks ' ownership advantages , location advantages and internalization advantages in the process of foreign direct investment under Dunning 's eclectic paradigm .

  13. 按照跨国公司对外直接投资理论的解释,跨国公司为了维护其所有权优势(即使是局部的所有权优势),它应该选择独资进入模式。

    According to the MC Direct Investment Theory , MC will choose the sole-investing type for the reason of maintaining monopoly situation by dint of ownership ( even the local or part ownership advantage ) .

  14. 在传统的跨国公司理论中,跨国公司国际化经营的基本思路就是在母国产业集群中形成所有权优势,然后通过国际化经营在全球推广。

    In the traditional theory of multinational enterprises ( MNES ), the basic way of international operation for MNES is first forming the advantage of proprietary in their national industry group , then extend it in global .

  15. 从理论上来看,振兴东北经济战略会对中国东北地区的投资环境和条件产生很大的影响,从而更好地满足日韩在该地区投资所需的所有权优势、内部化优势和区位优势这三个条件。

    Theoretically speaking , the strategy of revitalizing economy can impact on the investment environment and condition in Northeast China , thereby meeting the requirement of Japanese or Korean investors about the three conditions , namely ownership advantage , internalization advantage and location advantage .

  16. 小银行控制银行内部委托代理问题优势主要体现在以下三个方面:小银行的组织结构优势、地理位置优势,以及所有权结构优势。

    Actually , Small banks have the advantages on control principal-agent problems as three aspects including organizational structure advantage , location advantage and ownership structure advantage .

  17. 农村集体土地所有权信托的优势包括:外部管理模式、信托财产的独立性与同一性、信托的超越性、受益凭证的流通性。

    The advantages include : the external manage model , the independency and uniformity of trust properties , the transcendence of trusts , the negotiability of beneficiary certificates .

  18. 我认为拥有家族所有权是一种优势,这要求管理层为长期发展做出正确选择。

    I think there is a strength in having a family ownership that demands that management do the right thing for the long term .