
shǒu tí diàn nǎo
  • laptop
  1. 她从前经常用手提电脑一直工作到凌晨4点。

    She used to work at her laptop until four in the morning .

  2. 检测员会用一台手提电脑当场给出意见。

    The surveyor will use a laptop computer to give on the spot advice .

  3. 我总是随身携带一台手提电脑。

    I always carry a portable computer with me .

  4. 就手提电脑而言,键盘就显得大而笨重了。

    The keyboard is a large and clumsy instrument as far as portable computers are concerned

  5. 就像节约型游客一样,奢华背包客出国旅游时也没有旅行日程或者旅行社的引导,但他们随身携带手提电脑和高科技装备。

    Like their penny-pinching cousins , these travellers go from one exotic destination to the next with no itinerary2 or tour operator to guide them , toting laptops and other hi-tech gear .

  6. 全世界的学生们都正在受一种通行病症的困扰,而这个病症是我们这一代伴随着智能手机、手提电脑、平板电脑以及游戏机长大的人面临的痛苦结局。

    An epidemic1 is affecting students worldwide ; the painful result of our generation being the first to grow up with an endless availability of smart phones , laptops , iPads and gaming consoles .

  7. 除此之外,如果对方是家底丰厚的“备胎”,更会三不五时送你礼物,即使贵重如名牌包包、手提电脑、珠宝首饰,为博你一笑,就算花再多的钱都心甘情愿。

    Also , they would never go Dutch but take care of you for everything . Apart from that , they are likely to bring you gifts if they happen to be born loaded including luxury bags , laptops , jewelry .

  8. 把手提电脑或iPad放在这款背包里,既保险,又无淋雨之虞。

    Your laptop or iPad will be safe and dry here .

  9. 它也设计有放手提电脑、iPad和相机的带衬隔层。

    It also has padded compartments for laptops , iPads and cameras .

  10. 四岁的时候我就喜欢上写作,六岁的时候,我妈给我买了台装有微软Word软件的个人手提电脑。

    I loved to write from the age of four , and when I was six , my mom bought me my own laptop equipped with Microsoft Word .

  11. 由于MateBook使用USB-C接口,所以相比竞争对手微软的SurfacePro4更薄一些,可以代替手提电脑使用。

    The MateBook is designed to be an alternative to laptops and is thinner than Microsoft 's rival Surface Pro 4 thanks to its use of a USB-C port .

  12. start不仅支付手提电脑、上网和其他学校相关费用,甚至在2006年夸西面临被驱逐时还介入,提供了法律援助。

    Not only did start pay for a laptop , Internet access and other school-related expenses , it stepped in with legal assistance when Kwasi came close to being deported in 2006 .

  13. 为什么这些孩子不能拥有IPOD、手提电脑和冰箱,甚至汽车呢?

    Why can 't they have ipods , laptops and refrigerators , or even cars ?

  14. 此外,XP系统也缺乏新系统的一些普遍功能,比如手提电脑的节能措施。

    XP also lacks features that are common with newer operating systems , including energy-saving measures for laptops .

  15. 从人体学角度来说,这是本人试过的最为舒适的包,而且放手提电脑或iPad的隔层带有厚厚的衬垫。

    Ergonomically , it was the best bag in my test samples , with well-cushioned compartments for a laptop or iPad .

  16. 每位申请人只限购买一部手提电脑、部掌上型电脑、部pda电话及一部打印机。

    Each applicant is limited to purchase at most one notebook , one PDA , one PDA phone and one printer per transaction .

  17. 因加卡尔博尼(IngaCarboni)是威廉玛丽学院梅森商学院(CollegeofWilliamandMaryMasonSchoolofBusiness)一名助理教授,她禁止学生将手提电脑与手机带入自己的课堂。

    Inga Carboni , an assistant professor at the College of William and Mary Mason School of Business , has banned laptops and mobile phones in her classroom .

  18. 把它垫到电脑下方,接着,只需连上一个给散热风扇供电的USB接口,它就开始把电脑的热量往外吹啦。手提电脑降温真的有用?

    You put these pads under a laptop , and , generally , a USB cable connected to it sends power to a fan , which draws heat out of the computer .

  19. 带上一部多媒体播放器,无论是iPod,平板电脑还是手提电脑都可以。

    Bring on gadgets that will be able to play all sorts of media such as an iPod , tablet , or laptop .

  20. 你完全可以用亚马逊的Kindle来阅读电子书,用黑莓来查看电子邮件,而所有老式手提电脑都具有上网功能。

    Get an Amazon Kindle to read an e-book , a Blackberry to scan e-mails or any old laptop to access the Internet .

  21. 他的室友们猜想,他现在可能正在手提电脑前面,梳理Diaspora的测试版。

    Perhaps he was now parked in front of his laptop , his roommates reasoned , hammering on the beta build of diaspora .

  22. “人体许多功能都依靠钙来运转,就像手提电脑需要电来运行一样,”Schwartz说。

    " Many of your body 's functions run on calcium , just like your laptop runs on electricity ," Schwartz says .

  23. 一些人下定决心,每逢有敏感交易,就避免使用黑莓(BlackBerrys)和手提电脑,并避到海外。

    Some have resolved to eschew BlackBerrys and laptops , and move offshore whenever they have sensitive deals to do .

  24. 有车族在户外需要使用的电子设备越来越多,例如汽车音响、车用DVD、车用冰箱、手提电脑、手机充电器和各种电源适配器。

    The owners of cars need more and more electron devices in the open air , such as auto sound , auto DVD , auto fridges , laptops , chargers and kinds of adapters .

  25. 所谓非接触通用供电平台,是指通过一个平板以放置的方式向诸如手提电脑、台灯、手机、CD机、MP3播放器、电子词典等用电器供电的装置。

    Contactless common power supply platform is a device which supply power for electrical appliances such as computer , lamp , mobile cell , CD player , MP3 player , electronic dictionary by a flat in way of placement .

  26. EPP是双向数据传输的增强并行口协议,速度较高,扩展方便,手提电脑均支持。

    EPP is a bi directional data communication protocol of enhanced parallel port , it has performances of high speed and easy extensibility , which is provided by luggable computer .

  27. Turner先生和另一位公司主管并没有被扣押太久,很多人认为,收缴了他们的手提电脑和黑莓手机的司法部出手过重。

    Mr Turner and another of the firm 's directors were not held for long , and many felt that the Department of Justice , which seized their laptops and BlackBerrys , had acted heavy-handedly .

  28. AaronColverson:“我们收集了大约20件乐器。我们还赠送他们一些唱片,整套的工具箱,手提电脑和录音软件。”

    AARON COLVERSON : " We 've gathered like 20 instruments . We had some recorders and also an entire drum kit , lap tops and recording software . "

  29. 该机构还预测,生产商今年的平板手机(phablet)也就是屏幕在5.5寸以上的智能手机出货量将超过手提电脑。

    It also predicted that manufacturers this year would ship more phablets , or smartphones with screens measuring at least 5.5 diagonal inches , than laptops .

  30. 安全公司McAfee说,功能强大的新型手机和手提电脑都是黑客们逃避严密安全防卫而迂回袭击的目标。电子邮件、文档、合同都有可能被盗。

    Powerful new mobile phones and portable computers will also be targets as thieves try to bypass tight security to steal emails , documents or contacts , security firm McAfee said .