
  • 网络Mobile phone radiation;cellular radiation
  1. 手机辐射的分米波与人体内DNA分子作用的研究

    The research Of Interaction Between The Decimeter Waves Radiated from The Mobile Phone and DNA Molecule

  2. 手机辐射对DNA分子作用的机理研究

    Research of Mechanism of Interaction between the Microwaves Radiated from the Mobile Phone and DNA Molecules

  3. 对老鼠进行的研究发现,手机辐射可能破坏DNA(脱氧核糖核酸),从而致癌。

    research in rats has shown a link between cell-phone radiation and potentially cancer-causing DNA damage .

  4. 但手机辐射是射频辐射,不是电离辐射,不会损害DNA。

    But the radiation from cellphones , called radio-frequency radiation , is nonionizing and not known to damage DNA .

  5. 左手材料SRR在手机辐射防护中的作用

    Radioprotective Role of Left-Handed Materials SRRs in Cellular Phone

  6. 计算结果表明:天线越短,比吸收率(SAR)和功率吸收比越大,人头吸收手机辐射能量越多,吸收可达一半以上;

    The calculated results show that SAR and the absorption rate of power increase when reducing the length of antenna , and the absorption energy can be more above half of the total radiation energy .

  7. 世界卫生组织(WorldHealthOrganization)的国际癌症研究机构(InternationalAgencyforResearchonCancer)基于人和动物身上的有限证据,将手机辐射列为“可能”对人类有致癌作用的物质,与咖啡和咸菜属于同一级别。

    The International Agency for Research on Cancer , part of the World Health Organization , rates cellphone radiation a " possible " " human carcinogen , based on limited evidence in both people and animals . It gives the same rating to coffee and pickled vegetables .

  8. 手机辐射对大肠杆菌生长影响的研究初报

    Cell Phone Radiation on the Growth of E. coli Preliminary Study

  9. 在电波暗室中测试手机辐射发射

    A Method for Mobile Phone Radiation Emission Measurement in Anchoic Chamber

  10. 另外,手机辐射威胁着我们的健康。

    In addition , mobile phone radiation threat to our health .

  11. 在此之前手机辐射必须使用外部仪器检测。

    Until now radiation emissions were measured with an external device .

  12. 手机辐射功率和接收机特性测量技术

    The Testing Technology in Mobile Phone Radiating Power and the Receiver Property

  13. 手机辐射诱发细胞癌变的研究

    Study on Cellular Canceration Induced by Mobile Phone Radiation

  14. 在手机辐射作用下人体内外的场强分布

    Field Strength Distribution around Man Model Exposed to the Radiation of Cellular Phones

  15. 手机辐射与人体头颅相互作用的仿真分析

    The Simulation Analysis of the Interaction between Human Head and Radiation of Cell Phone

  16. 也有些商家爆出待机一年,千万不要忘了手机辐射等一系列问题!

    Some businesses stand-out year , do not forget cell phone radiation and other issues !

  17. 手机辐射与健康

    Radiation from mobile phone and the health

  18. 她表示,手机辐射对儿童影响方面的研究目前还不完善。

    No studies have yet been completed on cellphone radiation and children , she says .

  19. 手机辐射对孕鼠及胎鼠脑组织损伤作用

    Effect of electromagnetic radiation of cell phone on brain tissue of pregnant and fetal rats

  20. 关于手机辐射与暴露限制技术的探讨

    Mobile phone radiation and exposure Limited Technology

  21. 基于碳纳米管吸波材料减少手机辐射对人体影响的建模与仿真

    Reducing mobile phone radiation to human body based on carbon nanotubes : simulation and modeling

  22. 孩子发育中的大脑和组织被认为是最容易受手机辐射影响的。

    Children 's developing brains and tissues are thought to be most vulnerable to cellphone radiation .

  23. 到目前为止,手机辐射导致的生物学效应仍没有明确的结论。

    No definite conclusion has been given yet on the biological effect about mobile phone radiation .

  24. 记住,脑癌是由于长期短时间接触低手机辐射慢慢积累而形成的。

    Remember , brain tumor risk starts at a relatively low level of cumulative lifetime exposure .

  25. 关于手机辐射问题的探讨

    Discussing about the Mobile-telephone Radiation

  26. 养蜂人和科学工作者们曾经怀疑许多的原因,从手机辐射、气候变迁到螨虫感染或杀虫剂。

    Beekeepers and scientists have suspected everything from cell-phone radiation or climate change to mites or pesticides .

  27. 从流行病学和实验研究两个方面综述了有关手机辐射的最新研究进展。

    Current studies of epidemiology and experiments research on mobile phone radiation are reviewed in the paper .

  28. 关于手机辐射到底对人体是否有害,多年来专家们对此一直争论不休。

    It has been years that scholars argue over whether cell phone radiation is harmful to human body .

  29. 据世界卫生组织(WHO)消息,手机辐射确实有可能引致癌症。

    According to the World Health Organization ( who ) , cell phone radiation really may cause cancer .

  30. 另一方面,手机辐射会伤害使用者的健康。

    For another , the radiation from the mobile phones might do harm to the user 's health .