
  • 网络signed language interpreting;sign language translation;sign language;sign language interpretation
  1. 与这一政策相一致的是福利和人口发展部已经资助了南非聋人联合会(DEAFSA)和自由州大学以培训手语翻译。

    In line with this policy , the Ministry for Welfare and Population Development has already funded a joint project of DEAFSA and the University of the Free State to train interpreters in sign language .

  2. 法庭手语翻译:探讨译员的中立性原则

    Sign Language Interpreters in Court : Deconstructing the Myth of Neutrality

  3. 被指在曼德拉(NelsonMandela)葬礼上胡乱比划的手语翻译周四称,他当时突发精神分裂症,产生了幻觉。

    The sign-language interpreter accused of making up hand gestures at Nelson Mandela 's memorial said Thursday that he is schizophrenic and was hallucinating at the time .

  4. 南非聋人团体成员称,纳尔逊&12539;曼德拉(NelsonMandela)通过电视直播的追悼会上的手语翻译自创手语手势,让其无法理解这位刚去世的政治家的追悼会上到底发生了什么。

    Members of South Africa 's deaf community have accused a sign-language interpreter at Nelson Mandela 's televised memorial of making up his hand gestures , rendering the service for the late statesman all but incomprehensible .

  5. 手语翻译研究&模式、内容及问题

    A Research on Signed Language Interpretation & Model , Content and Challenges

  6. 然后计算机将手语翻译成书面英语,并在显示器上显示出来。

    It then translates the signs into written English on a monitor .

  7. 当然我们也会给您提供手语翻译

    Of course , we would provide you with a sign language interpreter .

  8. 智能传感器把美国手语翻译成英文

    Smart Device Translates American Sign Language To English

  9. 特殊教育教师和手语翻译,享受特殊教育津贴。

    Teachers of special education and sign language interpreters shall enjoy allowances for special education .

  10. 他说曼德拉追悼会上做手语翻译的这个人基本是个无名之辈。

    He said the man up on stage at Mr. Mandela 's memorial was largely an unknown .

  11. 南非各部长向聋哑人群体进行了道歉,因为在尔逊·曼德拉的追悼会上,手语翻译令人费解。

    South African ministers are apologizing to the deaf community for the incomprehensible signing at Nelson Mandela 's memorial .

  12. 对千百万聋哑人来说,日常交流通常需要昂贵的人工手语翻译和冗长的书写。

    For the millions of deaf people who cannot speak , everyday communication often requires costly human translators and tedious note writing .

  13. 南非失聪人士社团和南非手语翻译界都不知道这个人。

    He is not known by the Deaf Community in South Africa nor by the South African Sign Language interpreters working in the field .

  14. 许多国家手语翻译职业化进程大体都经历了三个时期:偶发场合的自愿服务期;

    The professionalization of sign language interpreting in many countries has all experienced three major phases : the period of volunteer service at occasional situations ;

  15. 这名手语翻译就站在演讲台的旁边,南非和全球领导人在约翰内斯堡能容纳9万名观众的足球场的这个演讲台上发表讲话,整个过程通过电视直播。

    The man could be seen standing just behind the podium where South African and world leaders spoke to a 90,000-seat Johannesburg soccer stadium on live television .

  16. 周四,一名早间电视节目的嘉宾说,佐村河内守在四年前的一次谈话中没有使用手语翻译。

    Thursday , the guest of a morning television show said Mr. Samuragochi hadn 't used a sign-language interpreter in a conversation that took place four years ago .

  17. 他说,他是一名合格的手语翻译,而且他曾经成功参与南非其他重大事件中的聋人服务工作。

    He said he was certified to translate spoken English into sign language , and that he has successfully handled other high-profile events in South Africa for deaf audiences .

  18. 据最新报道,曼德拉追悼会上在世界各国领导人致辞时瞎比划的那位手语翻译曾面临谋杀罪的指控。

    The sign language interpreter at the Nelson Mandela memorial event who repeatedly signed gibberish as world leaders addressed the crowd has previously faced a charge of murder , according to reports .

  19. 当地媒体报道,颜面尽失的手语翻译塔姆桑卡·简特杰十年前曾受到谋杀指控,这进一步加强了南非政府的压力,对于为什么聘用他来为如此隆重场合进行翻译,南非政府不知如何回答。

    Local media reports disgraced sign language interpreter Thamsanqa Jantjie faced a murder charge a decade ago , heightening pressure on the South African government to answer questions about why he was hired for such a high-profile event .

  20. Uni装置是一台带专用附件的平板电脑,它利用运动感应摄像头和语音识别技术,把美式手语实时翻译成口语,并把口语转换成文字。

    Enter the Uni , a tablet and attachment that leverages motion-sensing cameras and voice recognition to translate American Sign Language into spoken words and spoken words into text in real time .

  21. 中国的研究者就发明了一种可以把中式手语同时翻译成有声语言和文字的动作传感器。

    In China , researchers have created a motion sensing device that translates Chinese Sign Language into both spoken and written words .