
  • 网络yangzhou gardens
  1. 扬州园林具有开放性和多样性的特点;

    Yangzhou gardens are characterized by the openness and diversity .

  2. 扬州园林受扬州画派和扬学的影响;

    Yangzhou gardens were influenced by Yangzhou School of Painting and Studies of Yangzhou .

  3. 徽州园林与扬州园林之比较

    Comparison between Huizhou Garden and Yangzhou Garden

  4. 浓缩四季曲水流觞&对扬州园林再现的尝试

    Inspissations of Four Seasons and Flowing Cup in Water-An Attempt for Recurrence of Yangzhou Landscape Architecture

  5. 他的《扬州园林品赏录》蜚声海内外,一版再版。

    His works Appraisals of Yangzhou Gardens has enjoyed a high reputation at home and abroad .

  6. “虽有人作,宛如天工”的扬州园林多数是盐商建造的。

    " Although people make , like Heavenly ," most of the salt merchants of Yangzhou gardens built .

  7. 根据历史文献资料,探讨了扬州园林的植竹造景历史。

    According to historical literature , the history of planting bamboo to build scenery in Yangzhou botanical gardens was discussed .

  8. 通过比较可以得出结论:虽然徽州园林与扬州园林有相似之处,但本质特征是不同的。

    The author has arrived at a conclusion by comparison that the essential characteristics of Huizhou Garden and Yangzhou Garden are different despite their similarities .

  9. 扬州园林中的罩造型手法简洁工整,在线脚和与转角的地方,略具曲折,虽然总地看起来比较直率,但刚中有柔,颇耐寻味。

    Its model succinct carefully and neatly , which online foot and the place of corner is slightly twist . Though it seem franker in all , quite able to bear thinking over .

  10. 可以说扬州园林中风格各异的罩是扬州园林中不可缺少的重要组成部分,集功能、艺术、文化于一体,对扬州园林空间意境的形成有着不可估量的重要作用。

    We can say , Many kinds of the cover is the important component indispensable of the Yangzhou gardens . As an organic whole with function , art , culture , there is inestimable important function in the forming of space artistic conception of Yangzhou gardens .

  11. 新时期条件下扬州大学园林特色专业的建设与发展

    The Construction and Development of Landscape Architecture Education in Yangzhou University

  12. 在扬州住宅园林中,园林多半建在住宅后边,唯此园住宅左偏。

    Most of the gardens were built behind the residences in Yangzhou ; only this one is located in the left of the residences .

  13. 扬州历代园林竹景建造的特点主要是以竹名园、以竹名景和以竹辅景。

    Bamboo scenery construction in Yangzhou gardens of all previous dynasties is characterized by naming the scenic spots or gardens with bamboos , and widely using bamboo as auxiliary scenery materials .

  14. 古典园林中的园林植物及其养护管理&以扬州的古典园林为例

    Landscape Plants and their Management in Classical Landscape Architecture & Taking the Classical Landscape Architecture in Yangzhou as Examples