
  • 网络Switchman;L'aiguilleur
  1. 他们什么也不追随。扳道工说,

    They are pursuing nothing at all , said the switchman .

  2. 扳道工把慢车误认为快车了。

    The switchman mistook the slow train for the express train .

  3. 开机车的人自己也不知道。扳道工说道。

    Not even the locomotive engineer knows that , said the switchman .

  4. “你好。”扳道工说道。

    " Good morning ," said the railway switchman .

  5. 人们是从来也不会满意自己所在的地方的。扳道工说。

    No one is ever satisfied where he is , said the switchman .

  6. “人们是从来也不会满意自己所在的地方的。”扳道工说。

    " No one is ever satisfied where he is ," said the switchman .

  7. 早上好。扳道工说道。

    Good morning , said the railway switchman .

  8. 我一包包地分选旅客,按每千人一包。扳道工说,

    I sort out travelers , in bundles of a thousand , said the switchman .