
bān shou
  • wrench;spanner;lever
扳手 [bān shǒu]
  • (1) [spanner;wrench]∶一种手工工具,用来抓住、拧紧或转动螺栓、螺母、螺钉头、管子或其他物件。亦指具有同样用途的机动工具。亦称扳子

  • (2) [lever]∶器具上用手扳动的部分

扳手[bān shou]
  1. 基于ANSYS的液压扳手有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of Hydraulic Pressure Spanner Based on ANSYS

  2. BM扳手马达的研制

    On the development of BM spanner motor

  3. 我跑了好几家商店,才找到那种扳手。

    I had to run around to several shops to get that wrench .

  4. 他让废品商把汽车库里的东西清理出去时,遗失了一套崭新的扳手。这真是一个把洗澡水连同小孩一起倒掉的例子。

    He lost a brand-new set of spanners when he let the scrap dealer clear out the contents of his garage ; it was a case of throwing out the baby with the bath water .

  5. 因此,应该使用转矩扳手来上紧DISS接头

    Thus , torque wrenches should be used for tightening DISS connections .

  6. 禁止使用扳手或其它强制性工具来操作阀门

    NEVER use wrenches or other persuaders to operate the valve .

  7. 基于Internet不确定滞后的扳手劲竞赛控制系统研究

    The Research of Internet-based Arm Wrestling Contest Control System with Uncertain Delay

  8. 一边有v型锯口和锯齿状隆起的扳手(和鳄鱼的口相似)。

    A wrench with a V-shaped jaw and serrations on one side ( resembles the open jaws of an alligator ) .

  9. 于鑫泉拿起一把扳手,把几分钟前刚刚交付的一辆白色特斯拉ModelS的前挡风玻璃砸碎。这一幕发生在周五,被砸车辆价值人民币100万元(约合173600美元)。

    Minutes after taking delivery of a white Tesla Model S on Friday in Beijing , Yu Xinquan took a wrench and smashed the front windshield of the one million yuan ( about $ 173600 ) vehicle .

  10. 单击页面右上角的扳手(wrench)图标。

    Click the wrench icon in the upper-right corner of the page .

  11. SPI在数显扭矩扳手中的应用

    Application of SPI in Digital Electronic Torque Wrench

  12. 向细菌的RNA再循环系统扔进一种破坏性因素(比如说丢进了一个“扳手”)就可能以多种方式损害MRSA。

    Throwing a monkey wrench into bacteria 's RNA recycling system might harm MRSA in a number of ways .

  13. NY型内齿棘轮扳手的设计计算

    Lever design of NY internally meshed tooth ratchet mechanisms

  14. 现在可以按照前面所述的相同方式应用紧急补丁:导航到VirtualSystems页面,选择所需的虚拟系统,然后单击Applyservice扳手图标。

    You can now apply the emergency fix in the same manner that described earlier : Navigate to the Virtual Systems page , select the desired virtual system , and then click the Apply service wrench icon .

  15. 到目前为止,光子的角动量已在许多应用方面取得到了重要进展,包括冷原子操控,光学扳手,量子纠缠及量子信息处理,旋转Doppler效应等。

    Until now , photon angular momentum has many applications , ranging from manipulation of cooled atoms , optical spanner , rotational quantum communication and Doppler shift to quantum entanglement .

  16. 针对以上情况,本文研制了基于Linux的便携式扭矩扳手检定仪。

    According to the above situation , this paper developed a portable torque wrench calibrator based on Linux , This paper developed a portable torque wrench calibrator based on Linux .

  17. 24V车载电动扳手主要应用于重型运输车辆轮胎的拆卸。

    24V vehicle electric wrench is mainly applied to dismantle tire of heavy transport vehicles .

  18. 结果表明,该扳手材料含锰量太低,造成低熔点的FeS沿铸态奥氏体晶界析出,导致铸件脆性断裂。

    It is analyzed that the main causes are low manganese content which resulting the low melting point FeS precipitate along the grain boundary of austenite under cast condition .

  19. 本文通过便携式数显扭矩扳手,介绍SPI在便携式设备中的应用,主要解决便携式设备的体积以及功耗问题。使读者对于SPI通信接口有更深入的认识。

    In this paper , we introduced the application of SPI ( Serial Peripheral Interface ) In portable device using the Digital Electronic Torque Wrench , In order to solve the volume and power problems of the portable device .

  20. 要查看每个插件发现的问题的详细信息,请单击插件名称前面的扳手(twisty)图标或者插件名称本身。

    Details about the problems each plugin found can be viewed by clicking on either the twisty icon in front of the plugin name or the plugin name itself .

  21. 新型便携式大扭矩液压扳手的设计

    New design of the portable hydraulic wrench with large torque output

  22. 基于三维非线性有限元的液压扳手的优化改进设计

    Optimization design of hydraulic wrench based on 3D nonlinear finite element

  23. 使用活头扳手拆卸和安装电热塞。

    Remove and install the glow plug using the flexible-head wrench .

  24. 煤气管螺丝板牙和扳手泰式双曲柄管子扳钳

    Gas stocks and dies Thai type pipe wrench with double-curved handle

  25. 设计用来抓紧某物的扳手。

    A wrench designed to provide a firm grip on something .

  26. 为此,使用专用工具定位扳手顶住。

    To do this , counter with special tool holding wrench .

  27. 套筒扳手套头应用来避免造成轮辋损坏。

    Socket-wrench insert should be used to avoid damaging the rims .

  28. 请勿使用冲击螺栓扳手拧紧车轮螺栓。

    Never use an impact bolter to tighten the wheel bolts .

  29. 管子工拿出一把扳手拧紧了螺栓。

    The plumber took out a wrench and tightened the bolt .

  30. 引信扳手孔自动加工机床的设计

    Design of design automatic processing machine tool for fusing wrenches kong