
  1. 扶贫贷款,1994年至今。

    For poverty alleviation loans , 1994 & now .

  2. 对于扶贫贷款,300亿元人民币。到2000年,累计投放贷款26亿元。

    For poverty alleviation loans , RMB 30 billion . By 2000 , 2.6 billion yuan had been loaned to such people .

  3. 根据实际情况,适当延长扶贫贷款的使用期限,放宽抵押和担保条件;

    Appropriately prolonging the utilization time limit of aid-the-poor loans and softening the terms of mortgage and guarantee , according to the actual situation ;

  4. 从1992年起,国家设立康复扶贫专项贷款,对贫困残疾人予以扶持。

    In 1992 , the state established a special rehabilitation and poverty alleviation loan to aid the impoverished disabled .

  5. 1986年,国家设扶贫贴息贷款和以工代赈资金,其中很大一部分用于少数民族地区。

    In 1986 the state set up the help-the-poor discount-interest loan and capital for providing employment as a form of relief , of which a large proportion was used in minority areas .

  6. 其次,大多数发展中国家所采取的扶贫贴息贷款产生了利益漏出严重,贴息贷款常被非贫困者攫取以及还款率低等问题。

    Second , subsidized loans policy adopted by the overwhelming majority of developing countries brought about the following questions : the leakage of profit was serious , the subsidized loans were often grabbed by the rich and the rate of loan payment was very low .

  7. 中国西南扶贫世行贷款项目是一个创新性的扶贫项目,其目的不仅是大幅度降低项目区绝对贫困程度,而且要探索和验证一种跨地区、跨行业的多种手段综合扶贫的方法。

    The World Bank Loan Project of helping the poor in southwest China is an innovative anti-poverty projects . The purpose is not only to reduce the level of absolute poverty largely , but also to explore and validate a cross-regional , cross-industry integrated method of reducing poverty .

  8. 本文针对此问题,以江苏省宿迁市泗洪县为例,从需求角度实证分析了扶贫小额贴息贷款的绩效。

    This article is aimed at this problem , taking Sihong Jiangsu province as an example , analysising the achievements of this kind of microfinance from the demand empirically .

  9. 最后,从农户角度来看,最终是否能够获得扶贫贴息小额贷款更多地取决于农户自身的资本以及其对农业生产项目的投资机会。

    Lastly , from the farmers ' perspective , whether it will get interest subsidized microfinance depends more on their own capital and effects on the opportunities of agricultural production project investment .

  10. 增加财政扶贫资金和扶贫贷款。

    Increasing budgetary funds and loans for poverty alleviation .