
  • 网络Seeker
  1. 找球手一旦抓到金色飞贼,比赛就结束了。

    The Seeker who catches the Snitch ends the game .

  2. 好了,队里最后一名球员是找球手。

    Now , the last member of the team is the Seeker .

  3. 找球手总是对方重点防范的人。

    Seekers arealwaysthe ones who get clobbered by the other team .

  4. 你赶在对方的找球手之前抓住它。

    You catch it . Before the other team 's Seeker .

  5. 斯莱特林队的找球手特伦斯希金斯也看见了。

    Slytherin Seeker Terence Higgs had seen it , too .

  6. 找球手的工作就是要把它抓住。

    It 's the Seeker 's job to catch it .

  7. 三个追球手,两个击球手还有守门员和找球手。

    Three Chasers , two Beaters , one Keeper and a Seeker .

  8. 哈利,你从没说过你爸爸也是个找球手。

    Harry . You never told me your father was a Seeker too .

  9. 你可是一个世纪以来最年轻的找球手。

    You 're the youngest Seeker in a century .

  10. 伍德,我给你找到了一个找球手。

    Wood , I have found you a Seeker .

  11. 哈利·波特成了格兰芬多新的找球手。

    Harry Potter 's the new Gryffindor Seeker .

  12. 我当年也是找球手。

    I was a Seeker , too .

  13. 不过,哈利作为一个世纪以来最年轻的魁地奇找球手,并不是徒有虚名的。

    Not for nothing , though , was Harry the youngest Seeker in a century .

  14. 不过你是个找球手。

    But you are a Seeker .

  15. 3个追球手,2个击球手,1个守门员和1个找球手,就是你。

    Three Chasers , two Beaters , one Keeper and a Seeker . That 's you .

  16. 麦格教授:波特,这是奥利弗伍德。伍德,我替你找到了找球手。

    Professor mcgonagall : potter , this is Oliver wood . wood , I have found you a seeker .

  17. 他本想把大家都逗得哈哈大笑,说下次比赛将由一只大嘴巴树蛙代替哈利充当找球手。

    he had tried to get everyone laughing at how a wide-mouthed tree frog would be replacing Harry as Seeker next .

  18. 但是哈利要担当找球手的消息还是泄漏了出去。哈利不知道哪种说法更糟糕。

    But the news that he was playing Seeker had leaked out somehow , and Harry didn 't know which was worse ,

  19. 如果哪个队的找球手抓住了金色飞贼,他的队就能额外赢得一百五十分,差不多就是稳操胜券了。

    because whichever Seeker catches the Snitch wins his team an extra hundred and fifty points , so they nearly always win .

  20. 找球手通常是个头最小、速度最快的选手,最严重的魁地奇事故似乎都发生在他们身上;

    that Seekers were usually the smallest and fastest players , and that most serious Quidditch accidents seemed to happen to them ;

  21. 在所有感官中,视觉能在最短的时间内提供最多的信息,使找球手能够正确了解状况。

    Sight offers the largest amount of information in the shortest time of any of our senses , a fact a Seeker would certainly appreciate .

  22. “我不能这样,”哈利说,“队里没有替补的找球手。如果我退出,格兰芬多队就无法比赛了。”

    I can 't , said Harry . There isn 't a reserve Seeker . If I back out , Gryffindor can 't play at all .

  23. 可是找球手必须把它抓住,因为不抓住飞贼,魁地奇比赛就不会结束。

    But that 's what the Seeker 's got to do , because a game of Quidditch doesn 't end until the Snitch has been caught .

  24. 我得提醒你,你可是正在跟赢得了格利菲斯公园魁地奇球赛第三名的找球手、击球手、追球手和送水手说话呢。

    May I remind you that you 're talking to the seeker , beater , chaser and water boy of the third place Griffith Park Quidditch team .

  25. 你必须在追球手、击球手、游走球和鬼飞球之间来回穿梭,赶在对方找球手之前把它抓住。

    You 've got to weave in and out of the Chasers , Beaters , Bludgers , and Quaffle to get it before the other team 's Seeker ,